(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 11:43

Everything is perfect,
and I don't want anything to change.
School is amazing: my teachers are fine, my grades are good, and i'm a lot happier than I expected to be. Friends are good too. I see my best friend every weekend (she goes to a different school) and everything with my other friends is great.

Last night may have been the most fun I had in a long time. For the first time in almost a year, EVERYONE hung out together. Me, Natalie, Justin, Shannon, Mark, and Nikki met up at Dunkin Donuts, like usual. Then we went to CVS so I could get my Sprite Remix, which they didn't have so I was kinda annoyed. Then we went to the park, like we usually do on Friday nights. We all decided to go down the twisty slide at the same time. ROFL. Justin was ontop of Nikki's head; Justin was kinda sucking my face; I was falling off the slide backwards; it was just hilarious. Then Kevin, Jason and Brad showed up which was really cool. We were all hanging out and then Matt, Jordan, Jamil and Johnny came. We all played manhunt, and I found 2 people which was kinda amazing. Then Kevin and Brad decided to push me on a tire swing, and I ended up smashing into the wood on the side and screaming really loud, ahaha. Then we went back to cvs, and hung around. After we all went back to the park and just kinda sat. It was really fun.

Sweet faces.

Happy Birthday, Kevin!
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