Jan 25, 2010 02:25
To all residents, your guard captain is taking a leave of absence. All matters of guard will be directed to Stoneface and myself.
This is only temporary, however the following must be announced. Those who aided requested efforts for the gathering of supplies, thank you. We were able to collect quite a substantial supply for crisis situations and for medical restocking.
New Residents, I welcome you to Edensphere and stress you do not go down into the Wilderness alone. We'd rather you didn't go down there at all for the present time. Its far too dangerous even for seasoned warriors.
Adventurers, I've appointed two Lieutenants to aid in overseeing our staff - Congratulations Kiba and Locket.
Rogue, your proposal has been reviewed. Should you feel willing to take up the post, it would ease some burdens of our populace.
That is all for now. Those aiding in the rescue efforts before; whether you failed or succeeded, remember you came together to aid your neighbors, your countrymen in their time of need.
- Snap; Captain of the Adventurers
ic: announcement