snap your journal is not for product placement get out

May 28, 2010 22:06


The lovely Bret is doing art commissions. Her art is very pretty and it is perfect for scaling down into icons, as seen over on the left. So you should. Go check it out. If you're in the mood to purchase some arts. I know a heavy chunk of my flist is into RPing so this is a very great chance to get some awesome expressions for your OCs/obscure characters/heck any muse at all ever.

They are available as either 300x300 or 600x600 arts and happen to be very reasonably priced.

Also! Another of my chums is selling things. Pix has a giant heap o' videogames up for sale. Not only that, but she also happens to have a lot of nerd wares to peddle. She's made several buttons, pencil cases, magnets, etc. There's some video game stuff (MOTHER, Ace Attorney, Zelda, Final Fantasy, MGS, probably some others I'm forgetting), as well as some other stuff. This is A++ custom stuff man for serious. You can see the nerdchandise (ha ha get it it's a portmanteau of nerd and merchandise I'm so clever) over here, or peruse her video game selection over here.

snap is a derp

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