Sep 22, 2011 05:01
- Wed, 14:48: RT @ SeanCunningham7: Zuckerberg has finally created a socially awkward social network. #newFacebook
- Wed, 19:29: Whoohoo! Library books now available on Kindle!
- Wed, 20:00: @ mitchelmusso Do you remember this mini Krook?
- Wed, 20:11: @ MussoMOnly and you arent spamming.
- Thu, 03:59: @ mitchelmusso Shelby listens to you at least once a day and it hasn't gotten old yet :-) Thanks for the great music!
- Thu, 04:32: @ mitchelmusso Shelby listens to you at least once a day and it hasn't gotten old yet lol :-) Thanks for the great music!
- Thu, 04:40: This uncertainty is starting to take its toll on me. Please let things work.
- Thu, 05:16: @ NeonRocker11 goodnight!
- Thu, 06:21: Shelby's arms are just too damn tiny for intricate gloves. So we agreed on some new legwarmers :) hope they look as cool as we think.
- Thu, 06:54: Music to knit to... @ GetGlue #TheUsed
- Thu, 07:34: @ Sevendust is just freaking great to listen to. Awesome vocals and guitars. I must say this too makes good knitting music lol.