Happy Presidents' Day!

Feb 20, 2006 23:14

pshhh... Presidents' Day... we didn't even get off from school. What is that? :P

So I've had this strange feeling ever since this semester started and I'm wondering if this ever happens to anyone else.  I feel like a bunch of these new people that I'm meeting in all my classes... I've somehow met before.  Actually, this has happened to me a few times before.  But now it's happened so many times all at once that it's really starting to get my attention.  Not only do they look familiar, but their names and personalities... it's so eerie.  I feel like I already know them or something.  Or that I used to know them a very very long time ago.  But I'm sure that I don't.  I've even asked some of them if I know them from someplace because a part of me could swear that I do.  Hmm.  Weird... :P  On an offshoot of this, I was excited to learn today in Psychology that researchers are actually looking into the possibility of a "7th sense" -- intuition (apparently, psychologists have already classified a "6th sense" which is kinesthesis/vestibular sense, having to do with body movement, position, and balance).  I've always felt a strong sense of intuition, so I think that's super cool that it's actually being explored scientifically.  Not that scientific proof necessarily makes anything any more or less valid, I just always think it's exciting to see science continue to reach more and more abstract levels.  Oooh, like Einstein's special theory of relativity... length contraction, time dilation... some crazy stuff there.  Ok, so I still don't quite understand all that yet.  For now I can just throw out those phrases that I know :D  Yikes, I should study that.  Physics test is a week from Wednesday.  Good thing the rest of the stuff we've done has all been review for me from good ol' Mackey's class.  So I'll just have to worry about that darn relativity stuff.  But really, just by skimming the surface of his relativity theory -- as we have done in our Physics class -- you'll see... Einstein really was a smart cookie.  If you weren't already convinced :P hehe.  Also, btw, read Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman.  It's a super super awesome book.  It has to do with Einstein developing his special theory of relativity, so that just reminded me of it.  But don't worry, it has no scientific or mathematical content at all.  It's completely fictional, describing "dreams" Einstein has about the nature of time.  I think I posted some of my favorite passages on xanga when I read it.  It's an easy read too, so even if you don't have much time, check it out.  And if you ever happen to study the special relativity theory later, it's so interesting to see how the ideas in the book relate.  Or study the theory first, your choice :)

And now that I took that paragraph off on several different tangents, I think I'll officially change subjects :P

Last week:
Valentine's Day!!!
So Patrick and I, both being beginners at doing the Valentine's Day dinner thing, decided to go to Red Lobster for dinner.  They don't take reservations, but hey, that's ok!  Dunno how... but somehow it was!  And yeah, it was definitely not ok.  As in, 'an hour and a half wait' not ok.  So instead we had our romantic dinner over a pizza box at my house watching Shall We Dance :D  It was gooooood all the same.  Then again, most anything with that boy is. <3  Even shopping ;)  hehe.  But why would we do that anyway? :P

And it turns out that we did get to have our Red Lobster dinner after all, Saturday night.  I definitely ordered crab legs.  And I definitely played with them like they were alive.  I think Patrick was a little freaked out :P (It's the spider of the sea!!! :D hehehe)

ALSO Saturday night was the Regionals concert.  Choir was AMAZING.  A-MA-ZING.  Seriously.  Amazing pieces, amazing choir, I'm assuming an amazing director to be able to make all that happen.  Oh how I wish I could have been a part of that this year.  At least the director, Dr. Gentry, does University Choir at ASU, so hopefully I can do that sometime.  Hmmm I <3 choir :)

Ok, picture time!!!

awwww... hehe. I love these little guys :) This was my Valentine's Day present from Patrick. Along with a bag of Rolos and one of those GINORMOUS solid chocolate Hershey's kisses. Wow... I still don't know how I'm gonna eat that thing... :P

This is the HUGE bouquet of flowers that Ken sent us three girls for Valentine's Day :) They are soo pretty and smell sooooo good. I've been so happy this past week every time I walk into the kitchen because the whole room smells like flowers. But yeah, I think it's the biggest bouquet of flowers I've ever seen. And there were so many flowers all just in that one vase!! I said that it looked like a flower bomb had exploded :D

I play with my food :D

Aaaaand that about wraps it up!  Whew, long entry.  But it was fun.  Sure beats homework!  :P

Oh, and one last thing, in honor of Presidents' Day...
I don't know where these came from, but I couldn't help but

Happy Presidents' Day!
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