[It's early.
Or actually - Ken doesn't even know if it's early. He's just tired so no matter what time it actually is - it feels like it is early.
He couldn't sleep well these past days. Regarding what happened to him not even the fact that he now has gotten his own room is helping. Although it should be helping. Having his own room, own bed - own
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"Not to mention that Ken told Chik about Fran just a while ago ... and Ken told Chik that Fran said that Chik is gay." *read that* XD D'aww~ Chikusa sortof denied it, too~ <3
Except, there was totally a loophole, and I'm SO going to play Fran's having been in the tree (and the randomness that was Ken's looking as if the tree might start talking) for all it's worth. Seriously. It's an EPIC loophole--EPIC. And I totally love Amanda for putting it there~ <3
"nd you should be online in skype more often again! XP" I want tooo~ ;___; Sadly, my being on Skype frequently was/is a temporary thing. It'll come and go in accordance with my work situation--that was just a beautiful block during which my employers were off wandering about Europe. XDD Now it'd be all: BRB! (five minutes after returning) BRB! (20 minutes after returning) BRB! (two minutes after returning) BRB~ @___@;' *laughs* So much failure. ^__^;
Hopefully I'll be able to get on tonight, though! *attempts* LOVE FOR YOUUU~ <3 *HUUUUUUUUUUUUGSSSSSSSSSSS* <3 <3 <3]]
Well, I know you have to brb'ing a lot .. but the main point is you're there!
It think I'll put up the log before taking my nap hehe~~
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