Oh dog...

Mar 21, 2009 15:13

So today I went out for a few hours to eat out and blah blah. Very nice morning, right? Right, well, I come back to the house to find out my dog (who is never actually inside the house) had gone inside. D: Mother was going to wash some sheets and she had left them right outside the laundry room and these were covered in dirt (and had a flower pot on them. I found out upon further exploring that my dog had actually dragged this pot all the way from the garden; not really an easy task for a Welsh Corgi). This really beautiful wooden box was also over the bed sheets and was broken, and two wooden cats were rather chewed (they survived, I think). He also went outside, and I have no idea if he did something inappropriate there (so sorry neighbors ._. ). I went upstairs calling for my dog, but I couldn't hear him, so I had assumed he was outside. Luckily, upstairs he only chewed through the toilet paper and a small empty tea box I had in my room. (I'm serious, the toilet paper was a shredded mess and he sort of dragged the pieces outside my bathroom.) Thankfully he didn't eat neither the clay I had on the floor nor my stuffed animals... or the cables, and there were a lot of those. Then I heard a growl coming from upstairs. I finally found him in my Dad's studio. Apparently he couldn't go back downstairs (might have been afraid). Dad was... pretty angry. I cleaned the mess up and he's back in his own room, but gosh...

Now I have no idea how to teach him not to do it again :| Help?

luca, mess

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