Keane Concert

Feb 28, 2009 14:05

So yesterday I went to a Keane concert here in Mexico City, in this place called "Placio de los Deportes". This was my first concert, so I can't actually compare it to anything (I mean, at the concerts I usually attend, you are happily sitting down, you don't actually make any noise, and when you come out you can actually hear haha...), but I must say, it was excellent. Tom is a very cheerful person (he looks like one, at the very least), and he does seem to enjoy singing in a concert. Besides, he sang very very very very well. :D What can I say about the other guys? They also seemed to be enjoying themselves quite a bit. And concerning the audience... well, I had never seen so many people singing their lungs out lol. Other than one or two people who'd just stare silently at the band (and a few unfortunate fathers who had to accompany their children even though they didn't want to), everyone was very excited jumping around and singing along.
The stage was decorated with the pattern of the Perfect Symmetry disk. It looked rather nice. Before Keane actually appeared, the concert opened with Mike Sierra. I had no idea who he was, but his songs were quite agreeable.
Finally, Keane appeared at 10:05pm. These are the songs they played:
  • Lovers are Losing (The concert started out with this one)
  • Spiralling (You know? I didn't love this song, but Gods it sounds wonderful live <3)
  • You Haven't Told Me Anything
  • Perfect Symmetry (Before they started playing this one, Chaplin mentioned this was a song for those who believe in peace. And he said it in Spanish... along with several other things throughout the concert. Well, well, what do you know? I think it was nice of him.)
  • You Don't See Me (If memory serves me correctly, which it probably doesn't, this one was played with an acoustic guitar)
  • Again & Again
  • Playing Along (Or was this one the one played with an acoustic guitar? I have a bad memory... but whichever one it was, Tom played it by himself. Thing it, people used cell phones and lighters in this song and they moved them along with the rhythm. It was nice. By the by, Chaplin also said this was a song about peace.)
  • Somewhere Only We Know (People went nuts when they heard this one. I do believe Tom was only singing on the chorus parts. If not, then heck, I didn't hear him the rest of the song. He did encourage us to sing louder though haha)
  • Bend and Break
  • Everybody's Changing
  • This is the Last Time
  • Bedshaped (The concert closed with this one)
  • Is It Any Wonder?
  • Nothing in My Way
  • Try Again
  • Leaving So Soon? (They played a video along with this one, if I recall correctly)
  • A Bad Dream (This one also had a video)
  • Crystal Ball
They also played two covers. The first one was "Early Winter" by Gwen Stefani, which was written by Tim (the pianist, you know). Chaplin told us before he sang it that he wanted Gwen to provide backup vocals, but I think they couldn't reach her or something. I must say I liked Keane's version better than Gwen's.Then, they played "Under Pressure". Keane makes good covers, you know? I had no idea they had done a version of this song, so when they started playing it, I was pleasantly surprised :D And Tom hit that 'why why why' (lol) nicely.

So... I hope I have not forgotten (or added) any song. Even though I had never been standing up for such a long time (my legs and knees and feet and back and neck are killing me... lol I feel old)and had never sung so loud (sorry to the people around me if I sang badly, but I couldn't even hear myself xD), I had a lot of fun. After the concert we went to eat tacos (at 1:00am wtf) and I don't think I'd ever drank a glass of water so fast.

So as soon as I was out, I bought three t-shirts (wearing one now, actually haha), a mug, a poster, and a wrist band thing. Ehem, yay for stupidly spending money?

So if Keane comes back to Mexico, I'm totally going to go. Just hoping my buddies will join me then.

Just in case you somehow wish to read this entry in Spanish, you can always go to my blog: (I must have a lot of time in my hands since I actually translated an entry lol)

Thank you for taking me, mum!

Now playing: Keane - Lovers Are Losing
via FoxyTunes   

keane, reviews, concert

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