
Jun 17, 2010 01:27

Oh man, this is horrible, but it's been sitting in my "Who Drabbles" file for nearly 2 months and I feel like I need to exorcise it by posting it. I will probably regret it instantly. Anyway, written after I read some theory as to the end of the series that involved Amy jumping in the crack or somewhat. I don't much like that idea amd spoilers sort of have shot it down anyway but whatever, drabble-y-thingy after the cut if you like.


“Will you remember me?” she asks, trying hard not to look at the great light at the base of the cliff behind them. She flirts with the edge.

“ ‘Course I’ll remember you,” he answers, flippant, a faraway look in his eye that tells her his mind’s left this galaxy entirely, racing through the stars for another solution, any other solution. He stares at his sonic screwdriver so hard she half expects it to start bending like a psychic's spoon.

When she says nothing else, he realizes what she’s asked, what it means, and the gravity of it pulls all his thoughts back to Earth. He grabs her hands and leans his forehead against hers, looking into her eyes. “Amelia Pond, I could never in a trillion times a trillion years forget anyone as absolutely fantastic as you. Nor could any one else, but they’re not going to get the chance to prove me right. Do you understand?”

She does, but he’s wrong. It’s alright. She thinks that nothing she has done has been worth remembering, except her adventures with the Doctor; if he remembers her, that is enough. Mind made up, she gives him a sly look, her voice light despite her decision. "So, Doctor, if I kiss you this time will you freak out? Because I think I should give you something to really remember me b-“ and she doesn’t get the last word out because all of a sudden he is kissing her, and it knocks all thought of what she is about to do out of her head for a moment. He tastes like a dream, and there are whole worlds in his lips, and supernovas on his tongue.

But then she realizes he’s using the distraction to pull her back towards the Tardis and that won’t do at all. She pulls her hands from his and frames his face, kisses him once last time, hard, insistent, trying her best to leave her mark on his lips. It is the only goodbye she gives him, and then she steps backwards before he can stop her, over the cliff’s edge, whispering her last word with a smile.



doctor who, fanfic

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