Clarification - it's a beautiful thing.

Aug 08, 2007 01:31

I’m stealing a note (and caps, for that matter) from rainblows and making a “reliving” post. Except it’s about Cuddy, not Addison. I've been working on this for a while now, but I only have season 1, episodes 1-8 done. After I did the first couple, I went on vacation and then I just forgot I was doing this. But then I remembered, so I got back to work.
And, also,dollsome is hopefully going to start watching House soon, and, Nita, House/Wilson is full of awesome, it really is; but, really, Lisa Cuddy is what it's all about, my friend.

[Okay, so the Pilot. I hated the Pilot. Sooo much. I mean, it was a good episode but the lighting is gross and the cinematography is so annoying. It’s just Bryan Singer trying to show off and it makes me sick. But, anyways.]

When watching my first episode, I remember thinking, “Of course, his boss is a chick.” House would never last one day if his boss was a guy. I really loved the way she said, “That would be juvenile.” It was so bitch-slap’py.

“I’m going home.” “To what?” (It's funny that she said that. By the end of season 3, we know that Cuddy doesn't have anyone or anything to go home to either. So, it's would be interesting to consider that maybe she had someone or something to go home to at the beginning of this show... maybe? ... Or maybe the continuity just sucks?)

"The clinic is part of your job. I want you to do your job." "Well, like the philosopher Jagger once said, 'You can’t always get what you want'." (I don’t have a cap of this, but when she starts pointing at the clinic, you can see her thumb ring, and I loved that. I thought it was out-of-place almost. I don’t really associate thumb rings with professional doctors, so I thought it was awesome that she had one.)

Loved, loved, loved this scene. He’s mad and yelling and she’s just la-de-da about it. And the “I’m pretty sure I could out run you” line kills me dead. "Oh, I looked into that philosopher you quoted, Jagger, and you’re right, 'You can’t always get what you want,' but as it turns out 'if you try sometimes you get what you need'.” I really liked how she actually did something about him; she actually tried to get what she needed. He wasn’t doing what she needed him to do, and she talked to him about it, and that didn’t make a difference, so she pulled his authorization. It was very clever of her. It sure got his attention. Do what Cuddy wants or she'll kick your booty.

He’s going on and on and she’s just letting it roll and is still managing to be snarky about it.

“You got lucky.” Her own way of saying that he’s right. I really liked that the first time I saw it. Because I’m really impressed when people can admit that they’re wrong. (Hi, Addison anyone?) So. That was Cuddy’s way of doing it. She didn’t come right out and say, “Hey, I’m wrong!” But. It’s the same idea.

“The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.” There you have it, people. That’s why she puts up with him. That’s why he’s allowed to do the things he does. Because he’s the best doctor in the joint. (Okay, so maybe she has a bit of a crush on him? MAYBE.) (“Even if it costs me your money.” A bit of foreshadowing there?)

[I really think Paternity is one of my favorite episodes. So much love for this one.]

There’s something so special about this scene. “What are you doing back here? Patient?” “No, hooker. Went to my office instead of my home.” Then, say hello to one of Cuddy’s many treasured "nasty, wrinkly" faces. It’s just so cute. And it’s the cutest little tennis outfit! I loved the fact that she did tennis. Seemed to me like she was trying to have a social life. There was so much we didn’t know about Cuddy at this point.

House: “The cutest little tennis outfit, my God I thought I was going to have a heart attack… Oh my, I didn’t see you there, that is so embarrassing!” This scene is one of my favorite snarky moments between the two of them. (It’s actually very cute for the OT3. Wilson’s involvement is minimal but significant, and adorable.) Cuddy’s all pwn’ing and ball-shrinking-ing. And the eye sex is just insane.

“And is there a paternity bet on the father of the patient? Blahhhh…. I saw the parents in the lobby, smart money is obviously on the father.” “My guy knows a guy who can get you in for $50 bucks.” “Fine. You tell your guy if I win, you attend the faculty symposium and you wear a tie.” “And if I win, no clinic hours for a week.” “My guy will call your guy” she says with the sexiest eyes. And then she walks away knowing that both House and Wilson are going to be walking a little bit funny for the rest of the day.

“Fine. I will let you out of clinic duty for one week, after you pay the $3,200 for the PCR test.” I find the way she delivers that line incredibly sexy. She’s so demanding, yet reasonable. And the way “PCR test” falls off her tongue is very enticing.

I think this scene is really important in the House/Cuddy ship because I think it really shows how much they enjoy bickering with each other. Even though he’s trying to weasel his way out of a punishment, she finds him very entertaining. His ploy amuses her. And I think he likes the way she reacts to him. She doesn’t give in without a fight, and without scoring something for herself in the process. He’s going to get out of clinic duty, because he rightfully won the bet, but she is going to make him pay for the PCR test first.

Oh, also. I love the part where he slams his cane down on her desk (to assert his power because he feels weak having to follow her orders), and she playfully “Oooooh”s him. Like, she’s pretending to be intimidated. Or, rather, I think she’s mocking his humorous attempt to intimidate her. ... That’s what these two are all about, I think: a struggle, and a fight for power over each other. (The sex would be/was/is/will be ah-ma-zing!)

[Occam’s Razor. This is another episode that I thoroughly enjoy.]

This is House’s Cuddy-pwns-me face. “So, how are we doing on cotton swabs today? If there’s an acute shortage I could run home- ” [Cuddy looks at his leg and interrupts] “No, you couldn’t.” Mwhaha. Cuddy: 1. House: 0.

Okay, so this speech that House gives to the clinic patients is awesome. I love it so hard. I love how he calls her a “ray of sunshine.” And I love how she still sends a patient to see him, even though the whole point of his speech was to make the patients avoid him. Cuddy: 2. House: 0.

This is another one of those scenes that illustrates the fact that they want to jump each other so bad. He calls her in for a consult… on a sore throat. And she’s amused. Slighty annoyed, but also amused. These two do things to test each other’s reactions. (Oh! And I also am just smitten with the way she looks into the guy’s mouth, pauses for a second when she realizes it’s just a simple sore throat, switches off her light, smiles and processes the situation, and turns to House. I don’t really know what I can say about that whole thing except I just love the way she does it.)

They want to have sex. Really baaaaaaad. I wish I had a cap of how he smiles at her as she leaves. They love irritating each other, and they love being irritated by each other. Cuddy: 2. House: 1.

And then the next time he calls her in for a consult, she sends Wilson instead. She’s knows House is just being silly, and she’s going to fight back by not humoring him. Cuddy: 3. House: 1.

“It’s not going to work. You know why? Because this is fun. You think of something to make me miserable, I think of something to make you miserable: it’s a game! And I’m going to win, because I got a head start. You are already miserable.” Yepp. I really think that part is self-explanatory. Cuddy: 4. House: 1. See? Cuddy pwns.

(I’ve always been very curious just where she runs off to in such a hurry when she leaves. Wilson needs to talk to her about something, but she doesn’t care, she wants out! I always sort of wished there was a reason for why she ran off like that.)

(This must be mentioned. Wilson: “What’s with you and her?” House: “Don’t." “Do you have a thing for her? The only people who can get to you -” “No! There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in fact, a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate.”)


Pearls!!! The famous Cuddy pearls! And that suit is so cute.

Isn’t she gorgeous? She’s got the best sadface ever.

See! Worried!Cuddy is soooo cute. House: “The hospital’s her baby, and her baby’s sick. If she doesn’t solve this soon, her head’s going to explode, and I don’t want to get any on me.” She cares. And she feels guilty and responsible.

Wilson’s superman pose! I love how they’re good friends and confidants. I often wonder whether they became friends because of House, or if they were friends before him. Because a big part of their relationship now is House.

I love this scene. I love how she trust House. Her legal adviser is telling her that House can’t do that. But she knows there’s no alternative. And she believes in House. She trusts him, on some level, anyway.

“I did that calmly.” Okay. That was fucking awesome. She warned the guy about the tie clip. But he didn’t listen. So she cut off his tie. Girl power! The Spice Girls would be proud! She is so awesome. (Oh, and I love how in the beginning of that scene, she was on her knees cleaning, and stuff. Just because she’s the boss, she doesn’t hold herself higher than anyone else.)

Hi, legs.

I love how she’s in the club here. She comes up with ideas just like everyone else. She’s a smart doctor, too! She’s not always wrong! Sometimes she has good ideas! Too often in this show, when she has to use her doctor skills, she usually looks wrong and stupid, because she’s going against House, and House is greater than god and always wins, so Cuddy has to be wrong. But, occasionally, we get a scene like this where she acts like she has some brains, and it’s wonderful.

[Damned if You Do. I both hate and love this episode. Depends on my mood.]

She has great special expressions. Lisa Edelstein wins at life un peu, no?

This is important because this is like the first time that she really shows some leniency in House’s case for him. She should’ve reported him immediately, but she gave him 24 hours before she notified the attorneys. She was trying to be fair and give him time to prove himself. She really trusts him. (Although, that trust comes with limits as we will later see in this episode.)

She kicks so much ass in this scene. “Oh! I know! Prednisone compromises the immune system. Isn’t that the medicine you gave her for the thing she doesn’t have?” Haha! She’s so funny. Oh, and the line “Are you hanging your diagnosis on an adverb?” is faaaabulouussss. Lisa has a great voice, very powerful and commanding. And I love the way she says things. Some of these lines are memorable because of how she delivers them.

“I’m going to do you the biggest favor one doctor can do for another: I’m going to stop you from killing your patient. You’re off the case.” See, she's taking over now.

I really love how she’s doing a million other things while trying to diagnose this nun. A dean of medicine has no time off. People are shoving papers in her face getting her to sign them and she's trying to do a differential with the ducklings.

“Of course [House] might be right! It might be the Hand of God at work. Don’t say it’s something else unless you’ve got something concrete to offer.” She’s just wants Cameron to learn. This is a teaching hospital after all. She wants Cameron to be more assertive. She’s only trying to help her.

So I think this episode is why Cameron hates Cuddy. Cuddy sort of told off Cam twice in this episode. It’s not like Cuddy bitched her out or anything, but she shot her down a few times. I think Cam is incredibly intimidated by Cuddy. And I get the impression that Cam wanted to be buddies with Cuddy, because she admired her; she wanted Cuddy to like her. But when Cuddy was not-so-nice to Cam, I think Cam was really offended and hurt.

And, see, Cuddy wrong. House right. House back on the case. Boo. Poor Cuddy.

Even being wrong, she’s a good sport. At the end of the episode, she congratulated him on a job well done.

[The Socratic Method. Love this one.]

“Good morning, Dr. House.” “Good morning, Dr. Cuddy! Love that outfit. Says, I’m professional, but I’m still a woman. Actually, it sorta yells the second part.” “Yeah, and your big cane is real subtle too.” Can’t you feel the snark tonight?! I love the way she says "maternal authority figure." I’m totally turned on. And then it’s so cute how she catches him doing something bad, but she’s not sure what. And he tries to throw her off the scent, but she’s smarter than that.

The birthday card! She made him a birthday card! And that’s way more special than buying him one. (Of course, she probably just realized it was his birthday that morning, so she couldn’t run out and buy him one, she had to make him one… but let’s ignore that fact, shall we?)

SIDE NOTE: This clinic patient is one of my all time favorite clinic patients. Haha.

House: “Ooh, girl in the boys’ bathroom. Very dramatic. Must be very important what you have to say to me.” I love how she goes in there. Another one of those [british accent] Girl Power![/accent] moments. But, okay, I also love how she doesn’t rat him out.

(Another SIDE NOTE: Don’t you love how House’s pee never makes any noise? Never, ever! No tinkle sounds. Usually on TV we hear tinkle sounds. So. It’s either that he has super!silent pee or he doesn’t ever pee. Not sure which at this point.)

[Fidelity. I don't particularly care much for this episode.]

“It takes TWO department heads to treat shortness of breath? What, do the complications increase exponentially with cup size?” Oh, Cuddy, heart of my heart, how I love thee.

House: “She's all upset because we paid more attention to the other girl. You check out her ass, I've got the chest.” Cuddy: “The tests were normal. Course that's just my opinion, you may want to call a couple of guys from maintenance in for a consult.” Hehe. She’s so funny!

I think it’s funny that Cuddy’s only involvement in this episode is in dealing with “the preschool teacher with the heart of silicon.” I just find that interesting.

[Poison. I really like this episode. But Cuddy only has one scene. So it's not my favorite. But I still heart it un peu.]

“Her only sign of mental illness is that she disagrees with you. Some would consider that a sign of sanity.” Hehe.

I don’t know why she’s being all conservative with her attire in this episode. Show some skin, dollface!

(Oh my gosh, you guys!! Dean from Weeds is in Poison!!! He’s the buss driver. That makes me happy. Because the patient’s mom in this episode is the old lady chick Alex slept with in Grey’s. And, Lincoln from Prison Break was in Fidelity! Oh, when fandoms collide!)

So. We can see that in season 1, Cuddy wears skirt suits all the time. Nowadays, she mostly wears tight blouses and skirts. Hmm. Guess they decided they could get bigger ratings if Lisa showed off her boobies more.

tv: prison break, tv: house, reliving cuddy, actor: lisa edelstein, cuddy, tv: grey's anatomy, weeds

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