Dec 30, 2007 11:54
A Year in Review: Blog style
2007 in Review. Find the first entry of each month in your blog and post the first sentence of the post.
January: I hate boys... i shoulda gotten that guys number on new years eve.
February: the more I think about it, the more I think i'm afraid of moving on from what is comfortable.
March: I can't express how excited I am for spring break!
April: so I don't remember if I wrote about my voice issue earlier... but recently it hasnt gotten any better.
May:an update on the voice... i've got a pollyp on my right vocal chord, therefor it's not as bad as a cyst but worse than a nodule.
June: bored so i'm doing a survey.
July: I just want someone that I can look at with that special "I want you" or "I love you" look again.
August: so my work hates me.
September:God this is an amazing start to a new year.
October:I can't express how much I wanna be in a show right now. :(
November: nothing
December: bored so i'm gonna do a survey