Mar 27, 2011 05:45
I am having frustrations on being able to effectively communicate what i want for the wedding or just in general. I am eager to please and I gauge other's reactions and their opinions so I can match my opinion with theirs seamlessly.
I get nervous talking to my type A personality family members
because those are the people who have influenced me the most, both in positive and negative ways.
This responses to any sort of questioning, not even in a confrontational manner, are defensive and psycho-analytical.
In lieu of a WikiFactoid, I found a definition that I thought was appropriate:
- verb (used without object), -cat·ed, -cat·ing.
1. to use ambiguous or unclear expressions, usually to avoid commitment or in order to mislead; prevaricate or hedge: When asked directly for his position on disarmament, the candidate only equivocated.
Origin: 1375-1425; late ME < ML aequivocātus, ptp. of aequivocāre; see equivocal, -ate1
low self esteem,
via ljapp,