First holiday bento is an edamame tree with potato skin trunk and corn star topper. The top layer is scattered odds and ends, I wanted to put a few presents over there to continue the theme, but couldn't come up with square things Muffin would eat. So, egg, salami rolls, a candied cherry, clementine slices, and some "pea pods" of tiny romaine lettuce and garbanzo beans.
Drama theme bento for Muffin's opening night. Since Muffin is an actor, these drama faces are one of my old standbys for fun and easy onigiri. I put cheese on top so that the nori wouldn't shrivel up from the heat. Top layer has meatballs, sliced roast beef in the cow cup (get it? yuk yuk) radish and other veggies. Lid has roasted edamame snacks.