Mar 20, 2014 13:57
About a week ago my dad was offered a job working for a man from church. We all thought it was a good move, but it turns out it was a better move than we could have known, and this was definitely a "God thing". Mom just got a text message from dad stating that he's been paid at a much higher wage than he originally thought (we all thought it would be at $12/hour; the wage he has received is nearly double). He is working as an electrician, which he has had training in a long time ago after high school but hasn't used very often ever since. The man who has hired him received his electrical training in the Navy, and was formerly Amish. He is a very very strong Christian, who consistently does what the Lord tells him to do.
Because of his background, it isn't an easy situation at times with his family. His brother's, sister's & their kids are still Amish, so their kids will come to him sometimes asking him to pray for them. He's also experienced miracles and been the cause for events of healing after a laying on of hands. He & his wife are very good examples of good people and how to aspire to be. His wife is my pregnancy center consultant.
Either way though... I firmly believe that this job change has come about, entirely due to God. Mom got fired, and within 3 days my dad had a job, working at a job that he would like to do rather that just "putting in his time", being paid a fairly decent wage as far as blue collar jobs are concerned... it all just has given me a refreshing breath of reassurance that life is going to work out OK.
My brother & sister are still working the milk route, and dad is working the lesser of the two loads, then after his first job he travels south about 10 minutes to the other job where they are wiring a factory warehouse up. Dad is coming home with his head up, smiling and actually seems to have some hope again, instead of coming home depressed, shuffling around with his shoulders & head down all the time, feeling as if he can't get ahead no matter what he does. And on an even more positive note, my mom is much happier at home, and ironically, it takes 3 people to replace her, and we still weren't getting everything done to her satisfaction.
dad's new job,