The Birth

Nov 07, 2013 12:00

Our son, Allen Amadeus, was born in Goshen Hospital on October 31, 2013 at 9:49am.  He weighed 8-pounds 12.6-ounces & was 21.3-inches long with a head circumference of 14.7

We had gone into the doctor for a simple check up, and he sent us over to the hospital to be induced as soon as possible.  My birth plan went out the window.

I was artificially induced at 40-weeks due to pre-ecclamptic complications. The doctors predicted that it would take 96-hours for my body to go into birth mode.  They were wrong.  Labor lasted 6-hours and I progressed so quickly through the stages of labor, that I was begging for an epidural 2-hours into it due to the severity and intensity of the contractions.  It takes about an hour for the anesthesiologist to get around to administer it, so it was good I asked for it so soon because it didn't come until after 6am.  My contractions started at 2 to 3am.

My mother had taken me to the doctor, so when they administered the first stage of induction, thinking there would be enough time to do so, she went home to pick up Devon & our bags as well as catch some sleep.  They came back at 6am, but not before I was panicking that they wouldn't be there in time due to how quickly everything was happening.  I transitioned early on, at 2cm, and went from 2 - 7cm in 1-hour.  Mom & Devon arrived just in time to watch the doctor administer the epidural & Devon helped hold me up while the doctor did what he had to do... then wait around for my labor to progress efficiently enough for Allen to be born since they gave me a small dose of a drug to help slow the labor down a tiny bit so it wouldn't be such a shock to me and the baby.

It seems I had gone from showing no symptoms of having problems, to severely pre-ecclamptic rather quickly.  Supposedly, the indicators that my body (kidney's & liver specifically) was going into distress were so great that I was near the point of seizures, so the doctor was correct in making me go in for an induction.  Really a strange situation since I felt fine...

He was born with the cord wrapped around his neck & his head got stuck, then his shoulders got stuck & the doctor had to move quickly or else Allen would have died.  I got a minor tear out of the deal, but all in all he was still out in 5 contractions/10 pushes and both of us are doing fine.  :-)

birth, allen, dr appt., devon, pregnancy, baby

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