(no subject)

Nov 02, 2008 20:44

Ok. First of all before I get into this... those of you who are interested you should know I failed my State Practical Exam for the second time yesterday. (First time was July 1, 2008; second time was November 1, 2008) Those of you who wish to know what happened; I will give you a private run down if you wish. If not... I don't want to plaster it all over my blog as I am already so emotional over it that I made an Emo look calm. :-)

KK continuing on...

On the same day that I was hired at EOC there was a woman named Veronica that was also hired. She has 7 children and a husband in the hospital, but none of that really matters. Her 14-yr-old daughter got herself knocked up and since she is 14 she has no way to get back and forth to the doctor or any other appointments that she might have to go to for being pregnant. That’s fine that she had to run her daughter all over, but what isn't fine is that every time she got scheduled to work, she would find an excuse to not work. The first time it happened, fine; whatever. But it happened way more than for me to just slough it off. After a couple times of this happening; and then when she did work I would always have to clean up after her, I began to stew and simmer about it getting more and more angry. Which is never a good thing for me. Whenever I get angry and simmer like that it gets to the point that I have to let steam off in some way. For the most part I would come home and let off steam but… this one day about 3 weeks ago (I've worked there for about 5 months now) she had worked the day before; the dough wasn't made correctly and wouldn't rise… I had to clean up the dough equipment and then realized she had left the thin dough undone.

(Thin dough is what the hand toss dough is called; it has 4x's more oil and 1/10 less water in it. To be honest after you see what actually happens behind the walls of the kitchen when someone orders a pizza… its gross but that really doesn't matter.  Thin dough has to be made then rolled into balls and stored in the cooler until someone orders a hand-tossed pizza. And if you don't roll it, spray it or store it correctly the dough will dry out. Also if you don't roll it into balls quickly enough… it will also dry out and then you can't roll it correctly! All in all thin dough is very touchy stuff. I honestly despise it; however I seem to be the only one that works there who knows how to do it correctly.)

I had come in several times and when she had done thin dough it hadn't been rolled correctly and had dried out. Which meant I had to go through, sort out the dried ones and if I had to throw to much out; make another batch to replace what was thrown away.

I ended up loosing my temper because of everything compiling into a big stinking pile of frustration. And as most everyone who is reading this knows… its never good when you become so frustrated that you blow up. I said 1 sentence to Adam that consisted of: "I hate it when Veronica does dough, she doesn't do it correctly and I always have to cover her butt and clean up after her!"

Obviously, it wasn't THAT much I mean it was hardly a 2 hour rant or anything. However he went to Veronica and told her I was dissing her and saying that she doesn't know how to do her job. I did NOT say that but when it's he said/she said it doesn't matter does it?
Then (2 weeks ago) she was scheduled to work with me and Mike 2 weeks after her daughter finally had the baby. David was also working however he spent most of his time in the office and ended up setting up the schedule for then next week. Troy, the owner, had called David to warn him that there was a fax coming he needed to pay attention to. The all important fax was the schedule that Troy wanted him to use. Literally a fill in the blanks. Troy sets up the hours and days he wants specific people on; and then David puts in the people who haven't been included and/or who needs more time when necessary.

While Troy was faxing the schedule to David, Veronica made a comment that her dough never rose correctly so I went over and asked how hot her water was when she was making dough. I did so in a nice tone of voice and was not trying to come off as if I were being mean or anything. However she did not take it the way I meant it. She instantly went onto the defensive and snapped my head off. I instantly withdrew thinking that she had had a bad morning or something and thinking I would leave her alone.

The schedule that troy had faxed up here meant that I got my hours cut back to 2 days a week. Fine whatever. I had worked an unbelievable amount of hours because of her jerking everyone around and needed a break. But Veronica had no time what-so-ever and she had been doing dishes while the schedule was being posted and of course we all go over to see what our hours are when the schedule gets posted and she made a comment to me "Must be nice to actually get hours." Again, I lost my temper. I snapped "Well you know when someone takes a job, the expectation is that you will actually work not always call off, forcing the other person to carry the load." (I had just come off of a 15-days-straight time period. Aka me carrying the full load. No one else was (at that time) trained how to do my job. Whenever she called off, I had no choice. I had to come in.)
She didn't take kindly to my speaking so disrespectfully to her with her being old enough to be my mother and all… so she went to David about what I said. David let it go until she was about to go home then called us all back to the office to have it out. Mike was nowhere near being in the middle of it but he came back to act as a sort of mediator, a neutralizer. But he got called back out into the dining room to take care of a customer and I assume he thought that it would be fine if he didn't come back… however when he left all guards were removed so that it turned into a rather verbally bloody battle ground. At first I took all of it, listening and being quiet. And for the most part I did keep silent. I tried to speak, but every time I tried to explain anything I would be interrupted by veronica. She is older, and in most instances I would assume that with age there would be a bit of maturity but I was wrong. She is a screamer; meaning that to get her point across she drowns the other person in screaming or simply interrupts the person she is disagreeing with.
What resulted was me finally hushing and taking it all silently; which I suppose is not what I should have done as my silence has been mistaken for admitting that the accusations were true. (They claimed that I was a drama queen, a gossip and that I am the reason that there is so much fighting going on at work.) The accusations are not true. I had been told by a very very reliable source that Veronica was doing drugs. I went to David about it because I felt that he should know if she was. However he did not handle it correctly with her. Which only gave her all the more ammunition when she came after me that day in the office.

However ultimately it doesn't matter at this point since I am being pushed out of my job. Its fine with me I suppose… I have put up with more B.S. at this place than most people would have… so I've been told. This is not the firs time I have been told that I can put up with a lot more bull shit than most people are willing to put up with. Although it puzzles me to be completely honest. [Shrug]

Obviously tempers were short on that day; the only sane one was Mike… Veronica, David and myself were all running really short on patience.

Then this last Friday, Troy faxed the schedule up to David again to fill in the blanks on but this time I was completely cut out. My name is there, but I have no hours. That is exactly what they did to Ruth, Skye and Trish (sisters; and David's sister-in-laws; Kathy and Lori's neices). Two of them quit eventually and the third was fired. For this reason I know they are trying to get rid of me. When they want someone out, they just don't schedule them. Either way it doesn't matter to me. I'm not going to quit yet… I will however get a second job so when I do leave them I have something to fall back on. And it has occurred to me that even when I do quit I should have a second job if possible. It will help me stay sane I think… assuming that neither place does what I have had to deal with at this stupid pizza place.

Many of you have noticed I have not been around I'm sure… and for that I'm sorry but I am also sure that you all understand why. When you have to choose between computer time and work… work comes first because you can survive without the computer for awhile but you can't really survive very long in today's world without money and/or some type of an income. You don't always have to have a job; but you do usually have to have a steady income.

I know that this post is going to be way longer than it should be already… but I haven't told you all anything about Brian… how dare I!? ;-) Well to bad. I don't think I should make this any longer than it already is. Microsoft Word says that it's 4-pages long… gee whiz. I'll be sure to cut this; but… I think I just might get yelled at for this one… Great more yelling.

Anyway… I'm out of here. :-)
Thanks for listening if you actually made it this far and read it all the way.
If you didn't and just skipped to the end like I've been known to do… its ok. :-)

~ Heidi
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