Feb 24, 2005 21:50
I will be missing school tomorrow because I am going to FSU. My great grandmother is having an honorary luncheon because they are naming the new FSU medical library in her honor. She is a doctor and my family members are proud philanthropists. She is a good hearted woman and this is a great honor so I am missing school to yada yada...
While I'm there I will be scuba diving! I am very excited and this will be great because it is a spring water dive and we get to go into a cave!
I will return Saturday night, and hope to do something with Nay on Sunday. By the way Nay, get better... sicky. I don't want to go to Valencia's Into The Woods production anymore. I have a lot of school work to do this weekend, so this trip must be advantageous.
My dad is looking to buy a house on a lake. Today we made an offer on this beautiful house in Lake Conway Estates, which is on Lake Conway of course. I hope we get it. If we do I can still go to Boone... because we will lie about our address.
and finally
My drivers licence TEST is this coming Monday! Im scared, nervous, and hopeful... and I really really need to pass (on the first try).
<3 Abby