Addiction - SB/SS (R/NC17)

May 26, 2004 20:15

Author: Caleythia caleythia
Title: Addiction
Rating: R/NC17 (not quite sure)
Summary: Sirius Black has an addiction. Severus Snape has a question.
Disclaimer: They don’t belong to me. Ah, if only they did.
Word Count: 664 (short, I know)
Note: In response to the “Out of the Comfort Zone” Challenge. I normally only ship Sev with Harry, and I usually avoid MWPP-era at all cost. So this was new for me. This is also my first real slash fic. The only other slash I’ve written is for the “Taxonomy of Love” Drabble Challenge. So, all comments and criticisms will be happily accepted.


Severus Snape was not an attractive boy. Nor was he nice, or even particularly friendly. But Sirius Black was intoxicated by him, nonetheless. What it was that had him addicted, he couldn’t say. Maybe it was Snape’s voice, or his intellect, or the way that the he riled Sirius up like no one else could.

Because they certainly fought, about everything and anything - how Black’s friends were little more than hoodlums, how Snape dabbled too much in the Dark Arts, where Black and his friends disappeared to, and on and on. Sometimes their harsh words turned into physical fights, with Black, the brawnier of the two, pinning Snape to the ground while he throttled him. But it always ended the same way. Their roles would reverse and Severus would be on top, Sirius’s legs wrapped about his waist, Severus’s teeth locked onto Sirius’s throat, Sirius screaming, “Severus,” as he came hot and wet in his hands.

The first time, well, needless to say, both boys were shocked by the outcome. They had been fighting with each other, rolling around on the floor as each tried to gain the upper hand, when both became of aware of their own, and each other’s, arousal. They had frozen, neither sure of what was happening, or what they should do. Snape had decided it, flipping Black onto his back and capturing his mouth. He had been sure that Black would kill him for that. But, no, the boy wasn’t fighting him, he was…My God…he was responding.

And soon their clothes had been ripped off, thrown into the far corners of the room. Skin pressed to skin, mouths pressed to mouths, to throats, chests. They touched, with tentative hands and tongues, every spot they could reach. Until, finally, Sirius opened himself up and Severus plunged in. They came together that first time, fingernails tearing into flesh, mouths crushed together, limbs intertwined. And then Sirius swore it would never happen again, but he knew he wasn’t ready to give this up. He was lost.

So, they met, again and again, and after each time, Severus would ask, “So where do you and your hooligan friends disappear to?” And Sirius would always laugh and refuse to answer the question. He would not betray his friend’s confidence. It was more than that, though. So long as Severus wondered, he would keep coming back; he would keep feeding Sirius’s addiction, until he had his answer.

They met in dark corners, abandoned classrooms, under the bleachers. Sometimes they were in danger of being caught, and then it was so much sweeter. Once, James, Remus and Peter sat in the empty stands, wondering where their friend was, while below Severus devoured him. Sirius had to bite hard onto his fist to keep from screaming as he came in the other boy’s mouth.

Yes, Sirius Black was addicted. What drew him to the boy he couldn’t say. But he could not stay away. And he wanted no one else. Nothing he had ever felt before came close to the pure abandon and ecstasy of their encounters. And he believed that Severus felt the same way.

Then he saw them, together. In the Charms classroom, against the wall. The blonde pounded into Severus…into Snape, whose face was pressed against the wall, palms braced on the wall while he spread his legs like a whore. Sirius Black saw this, felt his world tilt. Then he heard, “God, Lucius, harder.” He could take no more, so he ran.

The next time they met, in the same classroom, against the same wall, was no different from their previous times. Sirius still moaned as Snape took him, still screamed when he came. When Snape asked his question again, Sirius smiled. But this time, he answered.

“I’ll show you, tomorrow night. Meet me in the Shrieking Shack.” Then he told him of the knothole and the passage. Snape promised he would show. And Sirius smiled as he thought of the full moon.
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