Sep 25, 2004 04:04
Emotions raged like wildfire. Uncertainty was a calm calamity in the eye of the storm. Some thing was approaching. The future was in jeopardy. Expect the unexpected, for the unexpected tends to expect us to expect it. I aborted the countdown. The countdown was a pure contradiction of reality. No plan was actually necessary. No plan was actually applicable.
I walked to the bar to think. Gathered a few companions then set off into the night. As I was walking and taking stock of the variety of smells downtown has to offer, I looked up and saw a sign in a store front. The entire front of the shop was glass. And there, painted in little letters that read big to me was my word. 'Terranova.' A word that I had created. A word I thought did not exist gleamed painted there staring me down. It was perfect. On that one night; the night that I decided to push forward, the word appeared outside of my head and my song. I struggled. How did I feel about seeing this word, my word, used by someone else. A word so pretty and perfect, but tainted down to advertise a local business. An attempt at profit. Well it was just a word. They are all just words.
Space surrounds everything. Space glides in like a a thin film of music. Both formidable and gentle at the same time. Space picked the right time to show up. To divy everything into sides. We are all lost again. We were all lost before. Maybe more people picked up on it this time.
Assumption is the mother of all fuck ups. I try my hardest never to assume, but sometimes it gets the best of me. We shouldn't assume as people either. Take me lightly, but pay attention.
Bruno sent this to me today...made me feel inspired.....
"BB Nirvana: I just wanted to tell you...thought it might get your hopes up a little. I'm head of A&R this semester for the school's record label, and we've been going over a shitload of student demos that we've received lately...out of the 25 or so that we've heard already 1...yes, 1...was even decent. The rest sucked more ass than Oprah's lost...and these are people who's lives revolve around music...who go to a music school and don't know how to do anything else. So, thought you might like to know that you're still way, WAY ahead of most of the competition.
Later dude"
Enjoy the silence.