Graduation Options

Jan 27, 2005 04:20

Since I will have to leave college soon, I thought it appropriate to examine the following options:

1) Don't graduate: Stay in school for another summer or fall session and finish my anthropology major. I would still be in Gainesville, but I would probably have less to do since I am only one class away.

2) Orlando. Ahh the Magic City. Where I would move in with David and my dog, watch Dave's allergies go through the roof, party as an honorary member of his fraternity, spend my days working somewhere shitty, avoid Charles and his ceaseless supply of chicks and beer, and quite frankly do nothing productive at all.

3) Become Rock Star. I could do this just about anywhere in Florida. This would require more voice lessons and actually keeping a band together rather than just jam with one person at a time. Probably more voice lessons, unless I just don't give a shit and do my combo distort/nasal punk thing (both in tune) and maybe growl a bit. Gotta love the growl. Has anyone heard me scream metal style? It will rend the flesh from your bones! Sorry, I thought that was something Synster Gates from Avenged Sevenfold would say. Bruno will be moving to Miami from Boston soon, and I'm sure the fact that we were born on the same day will have something to do with our guitar synchronicity. Plus he knows a lot of guys to include in the band and I have about 4 albums worth of material on the shelf. And he has A/R experience and my Marketing skills dictate that I could sell a ketchup popsicle to a woman in white gloves. Seriously....

3a) finish book, become ridiculously cool author. have porn debates with ron jeremy.

4) take the LSATs, go to law school, become successful, become Tool/Corporate Whore, marry a hot chick with fake boobs to be my trophy wife, pump some kids. all cool except for the tool part.

5) get normal job i.e. cop/fireman/sports marketing/record label dude and have boring life. marry less hot chick with regular boobs, refrain from kids and have dogs instead. all cool except for the lack of fake boobs.

6) sell all my shit (except for my comp/guitar/books) and go to europe. relive drunken memories of trafalgar square and the latin quarter in paris. hang out in venice for a while.

7) see above except end up in Russia, north of moscow, work as a farm hand. grow really big beard and really long hair, get ripped in the cold weather like Rocky. give a big FUCK YOU to society. save rubles for a good time.

8) see above except return to the states , minus the beard, and follow other options as a rich russian farmer. maybe find wife.

i got more, keep reading...

9) circumnavigate the US making sure to listen to every radio station in the country! drive to alaska and stay in the cold weather. maybe find a whale or something. marry eskimo chick with fake boobs.

10) Los Angeles!! start over on a new coast and relive fantasy of being part of the 90210 crowd.

11) Peace Core. nahhhh

12) move to DC, join up with CIA and kill evil dictators. "And sheperds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee...."

13) stay in florida, find hot babe with a killer work ethic. become trophy husband.

14) find the love of my life or get a dog. a doberman. and train to pee on chris smith.

15) give the ultimate fuck you to society. teach my seed to keep doing it.

yeah, im fucked.
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