Sep 30, 2003 14:49
Delta held out having her pups until yesterday afternoon. I got the call from Charlotte that she was starting to do something around 4:30PM. Rushed out there as soon as Ed got home and spent the next several hours assisting 9 little German Shepherds into the world. The last puppy (we thought) was delivered around 10pm and I was home and in bed by 11:30pm.
Talked to Char this morning, Delta delivered another puppy on her own sometime between 12midnight and 4 am. It wasn't doing well when Char found it and it died later on today. It's hard when they die after only just a few hours of life. You can get so attached to them after only those few hours, especially when you struggle so hard to help them to live. The only tears I shed during Kali's whole pregnacy, the pups birth, and their lives until know where when Scrawny died as I held her. For 4 days I had tried so hard to keep her going, and none of it helped anyway. It's horrible when the pups are born dead, but it's much easier on our hearts.
I have also been invited to start training on a canine search and rescue group that has started in the area. I would love to do it and am going to give it a try. I just hope Kali and I have what it takes. As soon as the Weds. night Obedience classes Charlotte and I are teaching are over, I will be starting with the group.
Well, off to finish up 3 Pt Match and get it off to my Beta.