adrenaline & spiders

Jul 25, 2004 23:56

whew, this evening I finally went to see Spiderman 2. I've got to say, I was surprised - but in a good way. It wasn't just action and fighting, not that there's anything wrong with both, but the story was interesting too and believable. Plus, I'm a sucker for happy ends.

So, my friend was driving us back home, when the police pulled us out of traffic, not 500 metres from the street we both live in.
The officer wants to see her drivers license and the papers, and asks her if she has drunk something. My friend declines (she always stays sober if she has too drive) and that's it. We're on our merry way again. Not that I'd want to complain - but who'd say yes?

Back at home I discover that, despite my fondness for Spiderman my arachnophobia is still intact. There's this huge (about my thumbnail!!!) sized spider sitting on the wall next to the window. And my parents are gone to bed already and my brother's out. There's absolutely no way that I'm gonna stay in the same room as a spider! So what to do? Well, the only thing possible - apart from waking my father - I try to capture it. Not to mention, that I'm screaming in terror everytime that damn beast moves!!! Did I mention that I hate spiders???
So, everytime I try to get that monster and it escapes, I not only scream but also run from the room. I know, that's not very practical, but I can't help it. And then the fucking spider moves to my curtain. Where it is still more difficult to catch it.

It took me five tries to get the beasst outside and I'm still panting and my heart is hammering.

Spiderman, yes - spiders, NO!
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