1)Your HP nickname: snapekisser
2) Do you write fanfiction: Now? No. In the past? I’m still trying to live it down.
3) Draw fanart: Of course.
4) Review much: Only if what I want to say hasn’t been said by another reviewer.
5) Read too many fics: I don’t read fanfic at all anymore. I used to read them voraciously, though. Till the wee hours. Bad Elyse.
6) Favourite house: Ravenclaw.
7) Favourite Gryffindor student: Hermione
8) Favourite Slytherin student: So far, I don’t think there are any Slytherin students worth the effort.
9) Favourite Ravenclaw student:. Luna
10) Favourite Hufflepuff student: Justin Finch-Fletchly.
11) Favourite teacher: Sinistra. Because I love Astronomy. And Magical Astronomy? Heck yeah!!
12) Favourite overall character:. Snape. Hands down.
13) Favourite adult: Remus. He needs a hug.
14) Canon/fanon Draco: Bleck. Neither.
15) Canon/fanon Snape: Both.
16) Voldemort or Dumbledore: Dumbledore, duh. Because Voldie is like, you know, eebil. And looks like a snake. Ick.
17) Cho, annoying or not: Teenager=annoying. The better question would be: “Harry, annoying or not?” YES.
18) Your OTP: Snape/Granger!! Would that be “Grape?” “Snanger”? “Sevione?”
19) Other ships you sail:. Remus/Hermione, and nearly any other het ship that’s done well.
20) Intriguing ships: Bill/Hermione, Charlie/Hermione, Snape/Sinistra
21) Disliked ships: Anything with Draco.
22) Hated ships: Hate is a very strong word. I don’t hate anything that is make-believe. I hate injustice, racism, sexism, sizeism, etc. Oh, and liver.
23) Het, slash or femmeslash: Het. And you might get me to admit to a fascination with femmeslash. Maybe.
24) H/Hr or R/Hr: Neither. But they’re still teenagers, so I’ll give ‘em all another ten years or so to grow up.
25) D/Hr or D/G: Neither. See number 21 above.
26) H/D or H/SS: Neither. See number 23 above. Although I’ve read one or two Snarry’s that didn’t suck complete hairy rocks.
27) Older gen, younger gen or cross-gen: What in the heck does that mean??
28) Canon or AU: As far as I’m concerned, canon refers only to what is written by JKR herself. Everything else is AU. And I like both, as long as they’re written well.
29) Fluff or angst: I will choose a fluff fic over an angst fic any day, because I have had enough angst in my real life in the past couple of years. I don’t need to read it in fiction, thankyouverymuch.
30) Darkfic: Just ick. Isn’t there enough darkness in the world? Do we have to spoil the HP world? I mean, it’s dark enough as it is.
31) OOC or IC: Depends. I like my Snape a wee bit “out of character”( read “with the ability to grow emotionally and not remain a socially dysfunctional adult for the rest of his life.) every now and then
32) SuddenlyVeryPowerful!Harry: Isn’t he already pretty powerful?
33) One-shot or chaptered: Either, but I’m more likely to read one-shots these days because of my short attention span. But if the fic is finished, I’ll read a chaptered one also.
34) Novel-length: If it’s finished, and it’s well written.
35) Gen, het or slash: I like het, because there’s romance involved. I’m a sucker for romance. If I want to read gen, I’ll go read JKR’s books again, but I’ll read a well-written gen as well. Slash-meh. Almost never. And definitely not if it’s nothing but porn.
36) Drabbles: Sometimes amusing. Sometimes…indecipherable.
37) SuddenlyVerySexy!Draco: Yeah, right.
38) Fanfiction Pet Peeves:. SlutHermione, Snape without his Snarkbone, “Dark Revels”, and MarySues who don’t admit that they are MarySues.
39) Canon or Fanon: Both, when written well.
40) Many ships in one fic: fine with me! I like there to be one major focus ship, though.
59) Cried for Cedric: Just a bit.
60) Cried for Sirius: Hell no. Served him right, the arrogant bastard.
61) Dark or Light Side: Light. Because the Dark is eeeebill. Right?
62) Did the explanation of the prophecy satisfy you: haven’t given it much thought, but I’ll echo
tapedeck's comment: wait and see.
63) Which character needs some more development: Professor Sinistra. With a name like that, how could she not be an interesting character??
64) Favourite artist(s): Most of my favorites draw a lot of Snape.
fleable (mostly her Gimp stuff),
nasubionna. I also love
dodgebook, and I’ve discovered mouse and snitchhitter on SH Illusions. *fangirls you all*
65) Favourite drawing style: realistic, impressionistic, abstract, cartoon realistic
66) Love fanart of: um, didn’t I answer that in number 64 above?
67) Fanart Pet Peeves: bad 3D art (and I’m sorry to say that I’ve seen very little that I consider good, although there are some redeeming illustrations.), anime (everyone looks so feminine! Even the men! Yuck!), that chibi nonsense, and nc-17 art that appears to be drawn from a porn mag.
68) Stick art: Yes! Especially when it’s animated!
69) Shiny: Eh? Wassat?
70) Anime/Manga style: I’ve seen very, very little that I like.
71) Realism: Yes, if it’s done well.
72) Cartoon: yes, unless it’s that silly chibi stuff. I'm also not really fond of the pseudo-Disney style.
73) Gen or shipped: Both, please!
74) Blaise's gender: well, I guess he’s male. But Blaise is a rather femine-sounding name to me.
75) Tom Riddle's eye colour: Who cares? He’s EEEbilll! Who’d want to look into his eyes?
76) Luna fan: Definitely.
77) OCs, done or not done: As long as they’re either done well, or done deliberately tongue-in-cheek. And they’re fat.
78) Liking Weasley ships with 'Flame' or 'Fire' in the name: Wha…???
79) Weasley love: YES!
80) Malfoy love: BOO!! HISS!!!
81) Potter love: Let’s just say it’s “like” and leave it at that, all right?
82) Is Lucius really 49: who cares? He’s drop dead sexy. But eeeeebill. Yes. drool
83) Brilliant ship name (Don't need to ship it, though!): Grape. Heh. Or Snupin.
84) Plain stupid ship name: I dunno. I haven’t heard many. They’re all pretty silly, aren’t they?
85) Voldemort. Bald. Yes or no: I dunno-does a snake have hair? Hmmmmm.
86) The power He-Knows-Not and the power that saved Harry is: Love. Duh.
87) Your view on Hufflepuff-ies: Underrated. What’s so whimpy about being loyal and hardworking? I think it’s cool. I want to marry a Hufflepuff.
88) Should Ron say 'Bloody Brilliant' more than once?: Bloody hell, yes. He cracks me up when he says that.
89) Hermione. Pretty. Am I right?: Yes. She’s pretty, especially since having her teeth fixed. Mind you, she’s not a supermodel, or a Barbie doll. But yes, she’s pretty, bushy hair and all. I’d venture to say that she’ll be a very attractive, if not beautiful, woman when she grows up. She might even get fat, which would also be a plus.
90) Best HP fanfic ever: I’ve read a few that have stayed in my mind. White Raven’s Tea with the black Dragon, Quillusion’s Soul Searching, and a HP/BtVS crossover fic that I adore by Echo called A Drop in the Ocean. But I don’t read fanfic anymore, so I don’t know any of the newer ones.
91) Rec the 2nd best, too: no thanks. I just rec’d three. Greedy!
92) Did HP change your life dramatically: No, but I’ve met a lot of wonderful folks here. I loff you all! *airkiss*
93) Marauders. Like or dislike: Bleah. Boring teenage boys with nothing to do but get in trouble.
94) Prongs, Moony, Padfoot or Wormtail: Moony. He at least seemed to have more of a conscience (if less of a backbone) than the rest of them.
95) Could Lily have been an animagus too: who knows? Ask JKR.
96) What animal Lily would've been: See previous answer.
97) Did Harry pass his Potions' OWLs:. Of course. And I’m sure Dumbledore had something to do with it.
98) Did Ron: Yes. I bet he gets a better grade, even.
99) Is Harry going to die or will he survive: He’ll live. It’s a children’s book. Is JKR going to traumatise her target audience by killing off the main character after writing seven books about him? I think not.
100) What gives you the most warm fuzzies in your stomach in the whole HP-verse: In the stories themselves: The underlying theme of love and brotherhood. In the HP fandom: it’s all about the people. I loff you all so much! *more airkisses*