
May 02, 2008 14:15

After owning a Wii since it was released, I finally got a wireless router and got it online. Wooohooo!! I got me some Wii points and downloaded the first 2 Zelda games. I'm so happy. It may seem so silly, but playing those games is like being a kid again, like reconnecting with an old friend. :) I think my darling little brother may have a Wii points card he never used. I'll be taking that in order to get more Zelda. :)
Wii ware is being released on May 12th, so I'll be able to check that out too. 
My life seems to revolve around video games. LOL
We got Grand Theft Auto 4 as well. I'm letting Sean play that since in the 14 years of being with him, he has only beaten 2 games by himself. (Jedi Outcast 2 and GTA 3) It's an awesome game though. The radio in the cars are soooo funny with all their fake ads. (The Alcoho-Tine patch LOL) 
Besides my beloved Wii Fit and Soul Caliber 4 (I get Vader!!) I must patiently wait until September to get The Forces Unleashed. Once that comes out, I shall plunged back into Star wars video game goodness. I only hope it's as good as Knights of the Old Repeblic. (The game which made me hear the Imperial March in my head when I walk)
I'll shut up now. lol
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