Jan 04, 2014 14:25
Several times I have planned on closing my lj account. My last two posts weren't read or commented on by anyone, and I really feel, for the most part, that this is just a waste of time and space. I had a very long, very emotional post a few months ago that was not commented on even once... and after feeling like a fool, I deleted it a few days later. Most of the people I am friends with on here, I am friends with on either my personal FB page or my writing one (my writing one is NK Writes if you want to look it up... but there are no story updates at this time.)
Then I realised I do need this page for the promptfest and newbies fest, so I am going to keep it, I guess.
Anyway, if you are one of the (very) few (if any) reading this, I can be found on fb since I am most likely not going to keep posting much here.