Jan 24, 2008 14:36
Ok Underground. We've had a great, long bithday party and Severus was pleased.
Now we go back to normal procedure.
No fanfic! You can post on your journal and link here every Friday. Short passages as teasers are allowed, of course.
No fanart! You can also post on your journal and link here. Thumbnails as teasers are allowed.
This is mostly to keep the community 'clear' for the discussions, otherwise it's difficult to find things. As reply of a challenge or party, meta-fic or drabbles are of course allowed. Likewise art of all kind.
To avoid clutter, I'm also asking you to put longer entries under a cut.
'Transgressions' will be persecuted by me, so don't count on detention with the Potions- or Defence- or Headmaster. As you all know, I'm tough as butter in the sun when it comes to that, so better be good!
And now: let's get prepared for Valentine's Day. I don't think I'm mistaken when I think that you'd want to show your Snape-love? I thought we could have a party again. A bit smaller this time. I'll post a table of prompts, and you chose one (no limits or other restrictions, no announcing that you chose it necessary) and then post what you did with it on Valentine's day (or how long it takes.)
And so I'm asking you: please give me prompts. We'll collect them here in this post, and I make a table of them all next week. We'll collect prompts until the 30st, midnight, and I make the table on the 31st or 1st of Feb. That way you have time to pick your prompts. The prompts don't have to be specific, it's up to the ones who chose them what they do with them.
valentine's day,
administrative entry,
just fun,
birthday party