My comment to an entry '“beyond wandpoint” 110 by gingerbred' by beyondwandpoint

Apr 06, 2021 21:30

Thanks for getting back to me, that was indeed myself. We were originally going to do a tour through all the places online one can go to experience the Snape Fandom. We had to scrap that idea because our own experience was too narrow. However, I want to make a segment called "My Corner of the Snapedom" instead.

For example, this is the one I've written up for tumblr:

It would be great if you could write/record something for LiveJournal, or perhaps put me into contact with someone else who might be interested...

I know it's a big ask, but I think it would be a great way to shine a light on the vital community (as I believe) on LJ

Oh yeah, the podcast:

Thanks for your time and attention 😺

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