No H8

Dec 14, 2021 16:58

I am so disappointed with JK Rowling!  She's using the excitement around the FB 3 release as a platform to spread her hate.  I've been wasting time looking at her Twitter feed, and then reading her "Manifesto".  I wish that I was more erudite with language and logical fallacies, but I know there's problems with her statements.

The first thing she does is play the victim, which casts a bad light on "trans activists, and it would be easy to draw a line from "trans activist" to trans people.  She makes it sound as though there is only a small, violent opposition to her propaganda, rather than a wider group of people who don't agree with her and who find her acts disturbing.  She conflates all trans women with rapists and also throws casual insults at them in the middle of her invective.  These statements sound reasonable to some people who take her at face value.  She also casts people who disagree with her as pro-rape, which is ridiculous.

I don't wish to leave the fandom, but I'm no longer sending money her way. She did create a rich fictional world for us to play in,The advent of the vpn has made piracy much safer, is all I'm need to say on this subject. I know this is not elegantly written, but I needed to say something.
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