FIC: The Summer of 1985 (PG)

Jan 13, 2020 00:30

Title: The Summer of 1985
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Three
Characters: Severus Snape and Minerva McGonagall
Author: rayvyn2k
Beta(s): islandsmoke
Rating: PG
(Highlight to View) Warning(s): Off page minor character death. Mention of canon character death(s).
Note: Minerva is canonically only 20 years older than Severus. Which means she was just 41 when he started teaching at Hogwarts. Maggie Smith is a god-damned treasure, but I don't picture her when I write Minerva.
Summary: Minerva needs a friend and Severus is there.

Severus Snape stood in the shadow of a large and ornate tombstone, shrouded in the misty gloom of the Urquart family cemetery, and watched as Minerva McGonagall buried her husband. The clouds hung low in the sky, dark and full of rain that was fated to fall at any moment; the perfect metaphor of the occasion. He had skipped the church ceremony, opting instead to smoke a cigarette in his spot near the grave site, a Notice-Me-Not charm firmly in place. When everyone had trooped to the grave site, he'd dropped the cigarette and the charm but remained in the shadows. She had seen him and that was all that mattered. He very nearly hadn't come at all, conjuring up excuses about needing to brew, but his conscience had prodded him out of his lab and into this dreadful weather, because she had become a friend.

Every time he thought about his friendship with Minerva, he was surprised again. She had been the first of the Hogwarts professors to not only let "bygones be bygones" but to treat him like a peer and not a recalcitrant schoolboy, which is the way most of the other professors-including Dumbledore-regarded him, even five years after he'd joined the staff. He was twenty-five years old for fuck's sake and it was becoming tiresome. Only Minerva, usually late at night over a glass of Scotch, commiserated with him. She agreed that it wasn't fair, to be judged for the worst thing he'd ever done, and reminded him that trust, once lost, took longer to earn back and told him to be patient-- the others would come around in time.

It was on one such night that Severus had almost told Minerva about the way he'd changed sides during the First War-but then he'd have to tell her why. His failure to protect Lily, and by extension, her family, was still a raw, open wound in his soul. Something that he tried not to think too much about, because her son would be arriving at Hogwarts in six years, and he had made a vow to keep the boy safe. Severus wasn't sure how Minerva might react to his role in the Potters' deaths, so he kept it all to himself.

He had been surprised when she'd married Urquart, who'd been her first boss when she'd worked for the Ministry of Magic. At the wedding, when Severus saw her in her beautiful green tartan dress robes, with her long black hair tumbled down her back, it had dawned on him that she was an attractive and desirable witch. Their friendship continued, even though she had moved into a cottage in Hogsmeade. Minerva welcomed him into their home often and he had passed many a pleasant hour with the couple during the last three years.

Snape's attention was captured by activity at the gravesite. The minister used his wand to magically lower the body into the ground as he intoned a prayer. Minerva, resplendent in black mourning robes trimmed in McGonagall tartan, stepped forward, dropped a handful of dirt into the grave, followed by a bouquet of daffodils, and then stepped back. The minister pressed Minerva's hand between his, murmured something, and then departed, signaling that the ceremony was over. Urquart's family, friends, and the Hogwarts staff members took turns giving their condolences to the new widow. When the last person had moved away, Severus stepped out from the shadows and made his way toward her.

He stopped when he reached her side, so close that his robes brushed hers, clasped his hands behind his back and offered his silent support. He watched with her as two funeral wizards, who had been standing a respectful distance away, approached and prepared to fill in the grave. With exquisite timing, just as they raised their wands, the rain that had loomed over the entire proceedings started bucketing down, and only Snape's swift, silent conjuration of a Shield spell protected the four of them. He acknowledged the grateful glances from the funeral wizards before they returned to their work. After they had replaced the dirt, they waved their wands in an intricate way and together maneuvered an elaborately carved marble tombstone over the entire thing. When they were finished, the wizards gave Minerva a half-bow before they cast their own Shield charms and hurried away to the warmth of the indoors and a nice cup of tea.

Darkness spread like a curtain with the rain, but Minerva stood seemingly lost in thought, and Severus stood steadfast and silent next to her. He closed his eyes and lost track of time as he magically wrapped comfort around her like a soft sweater; warm and familiar. When Minerva came to herself with a jerk, he started, turned toward her and gave her his entire attention.

"Severus, I need a favor." She cleared her throat and raised her chin a fraction. "You're free to refuse, of course."

"I am at your service, Minerva."

"I-and no one is more surprised than I am, but-I believe I need a hug." Her expression told him that she understood how implausible it was that she would even ask. Her voice quavered a little. "I just can't believe that he's gone."

Snape understood perfectly how she felt. The searing pain of Lily's loss was always there, lurking inside of him. When he wrapped Minerva in his arms and pulled her into a warm embrace, tucking her head against his shoulder, Severus closed his eyes and used the moment to take as much comfort as he gave. She clutched his robes and buried her face against his chest, and he felt a rush of protectiveness. He cast around for a way to help her through her grief. After a moment, a small smile touched his lips.

"Magical Law Enforcement," Snape said against her hair, "has asked me to assist them during the summer. The Aurors have been unable to track down the Death Eaters who tortured the Longbottoms into insanity. I know that you often helped the Aurors during the war in your Animagus form and were instrumental in bringing about the Dark Lo-er, Riddle's defeat. I believe that your particular brand of help could give us the edge we need. If you haven't made other plans for the break."

"Tracking down rogue Death Eaters sounds like an excellent way to spend the summer." She stepped back, met his gaze, and gratitude shone in her eyes.

He clasped his hands behind his back once more. "What happened to the Longbottoms has the stench of Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband all over it. Those two never shied away from torture-in fact they relished it in a way that I found revolting. It wouldn't surprise me if Rabastan was involved as well. In other words, these are extremely dangerous people." His voice held a warning.

"You and I are extremely dangerous people too, Severus." Minerva replied briskly. "I heard what happened to Alice and Frank Longbottom-their poor son is virtually orphaned! -nothing would please me more than to put every one of them in Azkaban where they belong."


In the week leading up to the Leaving Feast, Severus spent his time making a list of Death Eater safe houses and fending off Dumbledore's persistent objections to his participation in the search. But Snape stood firm. He was determined to help find the rest of the people who had contributed to Lily's death and send them to Azkaban. Finally, at dinner one night, Minerva told Dumbledore to belt up and Severus chewed the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing.

A week after the Hogwarts Express chugged out of the station, Severus and Minerva donned their travelling clothes, shrank and pocketed their duffle bags, and then Apparated away to begin the manhunt.

Over the next few weeks, they fell into a pattern. When they were close to a town or village on his list, Minerva would assume her Animagus form and Severus would tuck her under his arm beneath his cloak. Next, he would stroll into the local, order a pint and take it to a quiet table, where he seated himself, deftly positioning Minerva-the-cat in his lap. After she jumped down in order to wander around under tables and barstools, gathering information, Severus would lean back in the chair and, more often than not, light a cigarette. As the smoke curled around him, he gave every impression of boredom, but his half-lidded eyes were alert, and he kept a close watch on Minerva as she wandered. In the evenings, they would Apparate back to his house in Spinner's End and compare notes over tea. They had agreed that it made more sense than returning to Hogwarts because they had more freedom from busy-body Headmasters.

The first night back in his old room, Severus stared at the ceiling and tried to quiet his restless mind. He did not have good memories of this house, and even now, when his parents were both dead and gone, memory ghosts haunted him. He lay there, pondering whether or not he should just give up on sleep and go back downstairs, when a stifled sob from the next room spurred him out of bed. He donned his dressing gown and made his way onto the landing. Candlelight outlined the door to the only other bedroom in the house and fell across him as he leaned against the wall. Minerva's quiet weeping seeped out and wrapped itself around his heart.

"Minerva?" He said into the open doorway. "Are you all right?"

There was a soft gasp, a couple of sniffs and then the sound of steps. Minerva was lit from behind when she opened the door. She leaned against it, and her hair shone as it tumbled across her shoulder. "I just miss him so damned much," she said in a hoarse whisper. "Nights are the worst."

Severus crossed his arms, uncomfortable in the face of his friend's anguish. Feeling helpless and a bit out of his depth, he blurted, "Is there anything I can do to help…?"

She didn't answer for a couple of minutes. Severus stood, the picture of patience. Outwardly. Inside he was debating whether or not he had done the right thing. Perhaps she would have preferred to be left in peace. He was on the verge of excusing himself when she finally spoke.

"If you wouldn't mind-and it's okay to say no if I'm asking too much-"

"Understood." Severus replied.

"Will you sleep with me?" As Severus processed what he'd heard, she hurried on. "It's just-the bed-any bed-is just too big-" She stuttered to a stop.

"Yes," he said before he could talk himself out of it.

Without another word, Minerva opened the door wider.

Severus and Minerva fell into a pattern over the next couple of weeks. During the day they continued their investigation. When they were finished for the day, they returned to his house and discussed their observations over tea, after which they would move to the sitting room. Once there, they would usually read in front of the fire. And they continued to sleep in the same bed.

And Severus discovered that he liked having someone soft and warm to curl around every night. His sleep seemed more restful when spent with an armful of Minerva. Every night at the top of the stairs, he raised an eyebrow and she nodded and that was that.

In early August, they finally tracked down the Lestranges along with Barty Crouch Jr, in a small village in the Netherlands. Snape sent his Patronus with a message to Alastor Moody, and he and Minerva ducked into a nearby alley. They had just Disillusioned themselves when Moody arrived with a squad of Aurors. The Aurors had surprise on their side, and they captured the fugitives with minimal resistance, and then Apparated away quickly. Minerva seemed as reluctant for their adventure to end as he, so they travelled to Leiden and spent a week wandering around the picturesque city.

After dinner one night over coffee, Minerva reached across the table and took his hand. Startled, he raised his eyes to meet hers.

"I want to thank you, Severus," she said. "Thank you for bringing me along on your spy mission, even though you could have done it as well without my help."

"Although I could have done it without your help, I couldn't have done it as quickly. And I must admit that I enjoyed having a partner this time." He looked into her eyes. "Especially at night."

She picked up her coffee cup with a melancholy sigh. "I'm going to miss…everything…when we get back to school."

Severus and Minerva returned to Hogwarts two weeks before the start of the term, along with the other professors who had been away for the summer. Their first day was taken up the annual torment that was the first staff meeting of the year. After supper, Severus met Minerva's eyes for an instant before he descended to his rooms and she took the stairs to hers. He lit a fire in the bedroom, undressed to his boxers, and climbed into bed. He flicked a finger at the bedside candle, and reached for the book on the table. He had just settled back against his pillows, when a grey tabby cat hopped onto the end of his bed. His eyes widened.


The cat mrowed and tilted her head to one side.

It was amazing, really, the way an animal could communicate with a human. His heart beat faster as he nodded. "Yes, of course you can stay." He put the book back down, blew out the candle, and then lay down on his side. He patted the bed in front of him. In a flash, Minerva trotted across the bed and curled up against his stomach.

Severus smiled as he was lulled to sleep by her purring.

author: rayvyn2k, type: fic, category: three

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