FIC: Haven (PG-13)

Jan 27, 2024 05:12

Title: Haven
Type: Fic
Age-Range Category: Four
Characters: Severus Snape/Original Character, Voldemort, Hogwarts Faculty
Author: debjunk
Beta(s): steelersgirl
Rating: PG-13
Click to View [Warning(s)]angst, slight mention of blood/gore from snake attack.
Note(s): Another fun Snapecase! Enjoy this twist on canon.
Summary: After Severus kills Dumbledore, he must deal with the fallout from his colleagues' hatred and his own personal grief. He meets an old friend from Hogwarts who helps him to deal with all of it. Can she help him save his life too?

Severus raced to the gates with Draco. Running through them, he Apparated the two of them almost immediately as he crossed the gates. They quickly appeared in his home at Spinner's End. He moved up the stairs, closely followed by Draco.

"We can't stay long. This is the first place the Aurors will look for me."

"You… you killed him."

"That was the order, wasn't it?"

"Yes, but…"

Severus stopped on the stairs and eyed Draco. "Would you have done it?"

"I… I don't know."

"You wouldn't have. I saved you. The Dark Lord would have killed you if you had fully lowered your wand and not done the deed. Now, I will take the credit, and your life will be spared."

Draco looked down at the floor. "Thank you, Professor."

"I am no one's professor now," Severus said with a huff as he finished climbing the stairs and retreated to his bedroom. He grabbed a duffle and waved his wand. Magically, items from his closet and dressers loaded into the duffle. Grabbing the bag once he was done, he hurried back downstairs to his bookshelves. He waved his wand again and several books from different places flew into the bag. He zipped it shut.

"Let's go," he barked at Draco.

He headed to the fireplace, and they took the Floo to Malfoy Manor. Narcissa was pacing in front of the fireplace where they emerged. She rushed to Draco and threw her arms around him.

"Oh! Thank Merlin you're all right!" Her eyes met Severus' as she hugged Draco furiously.

"Thank you," she mouthed to him as she continued her onslaught on her son. She finally pulled back. "I was so worried."

"I'm fine. Uncle Severus… he…"

Narcissa cupped his cheek. "Let's not speak of such unpleasantness."

Severus broke in then. "If you'll excuse me. The Dark Lord is expecting my report."

"Oh, we'll join you, Severus," Narcissa said as she grasped Draco's hand.

Severus led the way into the study where Voldemort sat on a great throne-like chair. Bellatrix was already there, reporting on the events of the night. The Dark Lord turned his attention to the newcomers, his eyes gleaming as he saw Severus entering the room.

"Ah, Severus, from what I understand, Dumbledore is no more."

Severus approached the man, stopping a few feet away. "That is right, my Lord," he affirmed with a bow of his head.

"You have done well."

Bellatrix sneered. "My Lord, don't be so quick to praise. We can't be sure that Dumbledore is truly dead."

Severus looked enraged. "He fell off the bloody Astronomy tower, Bellatrix. If my Avada didn't kill him, I promise you, the fall did!"

"I just…"

Severus drew up to her, his face mere inches from hers. "You weren't questioning when you cast the Morsmordre, were you?" His wand appeared suddenly at her chin. "Don't mess with me tonight, Bellatrix. As you have seen, I have no qualms about cutting down my enemies."

She spluttered, but withdrew, backing away slowly until she turned and made her way back to the Dark Lord's side.

"I am pleased, Severus," the Dark Lord said as if nothing had happened. "You will be rewarded greatly." His eyes met Draco's. "As for you, young Malfoy, be thankful that my faithful servant was nearby this night or you should surely be dead at my feet along with your mother."

"I… I understand, My Lord."

"Yes, you'd better." He waved his hand in dismissal. "Get out of my sight."

Narcissa grabbed Draco by the arm and pulled him out of the room. Severus didn't turn to watch them go. His eyes were fixed on the Dark Lord.

"Severus, you may go. Wait for my owl. I will have your reward organized soon."

Severus bowed his head. "Yes, my Lord. Thank you." He turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. As soon as it closed, he spun away with a crack.

He appeared in a small house deep in the woods. It was Secret kept-the Dark Lord being the Secret Keeper. Finally, he felt he could let his walls down. Crashing to the floor, he knelt, put his head into his hands, and just sobbed.

"I know… I know we agreed to this, Albus… but why? Why did you make me do this?" He wept bitter tears. "Wasn't there some other way?"

He let himself collapse onto the floor and curled into a ball, letting his grief wash over him. He knew he'd be alone for probably several days, so this was the best time for falling apart. He let himself do so wholeheartedly, mourning the loss of his friend.

God, he'd killed his friend.

Killed him.

Used an Avada Kedavra.

On his friend.

The man who had been supporting him for years… he'd just up and killed him. Albus' orders of course. Anything for Dumbledore. He knew best, right?

He certainly knew how to ruin lives. Potter… destined to die. Himself… destined to be hunted and hated, and probably killed-painfully.

Why did he listen to the old coot? He should have just backed away and let Draco take the fall. Then Dumbledore would be alive, at least for a month or so before the curse took him. And he, of course, would have been taken by the Unbreakable Vow, but at least he'd be at peace.

"Perhaps you're doing me a favor, Severus. I would imagine this," He lifted his withered hand, "will be painful in the end."

"No doubt. But Albus… outright killing you?"

"It's for the Greater Good."


"Believe me, Severus. I know you will do it quickly. Anyone else would take pleasure and make it slow and torturesome. I need you to do this for me."

Severus' lips thinned. "Fine," he blurted out quickly. "Just drop it."

"Severus, I want you to know that I appreciate this. I trust you to save me, and you will."

Severus' mind pulled out of the memory, and he wept bitter tears as he tried to come to grips with everything that had happened.

He stayed huddled up in his cabin for three days before he thought it might be good to get some sun on his face. Getting dressed in trousers and a white shirt, he emerged from the house and looked up into the sky. He breathed in the fresh air. Life had moved on while he was mourning in his darkened bedroom. Now he was ready to rejoin the world. He looked around the woods where the cottage was. It was nice, but he wanted to-funnily enough-be around people.

Well, he couldn't show his face anywhere in the Wizarding world. Maybe somewhere in Muggle London. There was a little café he often frequented when he wanted to be out but not recognized.

Apparating to London, he walked quickly to the café. He'd not been there in over a year, but he swore by their coffee and pastries. Entering the small shop, he sat down at one of the tables. A waitress came over and placed a coffee cup in front of him and poured the brew. Her hand hesitated, causing Severus to look up.

"Severus Snape?"

He recognized her then. An old friend from Hogwarts. What the hell was she doing serving coffee at a Muggle café?

He rose then and leaned in, whispering in her ear. "I'm going to leave now, Olivia. I'm adept at wandless magic. If you try anything, you'll be sorry. Do not tell anyone that you saw me here today."

He turned to go, but she grasped his arm. "Severus, wait."

He hesitated, then turned and gave her a narrow-eyed stare.

She leaned into him and said quietly, "I don't know what you're trying to avoid, but I haven't been in the Wizarding world for fifteen years, and I have no intention of telling anyone that I saw you. Now you can sit down and get some breakfast or leave, but it's nice to see you, and I wouldn't mind reconnecting."

He pulled his arm from her hand with slightly less force. "You haven't been to… 'home'… in…?"

"I decided to cut my losses when Mr. You-Know-Who started taking over."

He sat down, regarding Olivia thoughtfully. "Well then, I guess I'll have a Chelsea bun."

She gave him a quick nod and moved away from the table. His eyes followed her as he reminisced about the black-haired, blue-eyed witch from Hogwarts. They had been in the same class; she was a Ravenclaw. She'd been studious, yet quiet, keeping to herself a lot. Despite that, they'd gotten along and had a decent friendship, studying together often in the library. She'd been supportive of him when Lily had broken off their friendship. Unfortunately, he'd lost track of her after graduation.

Pulling out of his memories, he came back to the present as Olivia set his Chelsea bun down in front of him. He noticed her soft curls were quite lovely. He cast that thought out of his mind quickly.

"Do you want anything else?"

He shook his head so she placed his check down on the table. "Obviously, I can't visit right now, but I'd love to catch up. Would you like to get dinner tonight?"

He arched a brow. Most women avoided him, but she seemed eager to reconnect. "You've left your past behind," he said. "I'm not sure why you'd want to rekindle it with me."

She shrugged. "We always got along. I've not seen anyone from 'home' for years. It might be nice to reconnect. My address is on the back of the check. Stop by around seven if you're interested."

With that, she let him be. He quickly ate his bun and downed his coffee-paying and disappearing from the café as quickly as humanly possible. Heading to his Apparition point, he returned immediately to his cabin.

He spent the rest of the day mulling over whether he should meet with Olivia or not. He brewed a healing draught to take his mind off of… everything, but her appearance in his life still filled his thoughts. He weighed the pros and cons of meeting with her.

Pros were he'd have someone to talk to, at least for a little bit until she found out he was a murderer. (But that would fall under cons, wouldn't it?) It would also be nice to speak to someone who wasn't biased against him or his history.

Cons-well, he could be found by the Aurors or the Order. She could report him as soon as she found out what had happened, although it didn't seem like she kept up with Wizarding news. She'd have run the minute she saw him had she done so.

He sighed. He didn't know what to do. Casting a Tempus charm he saw it was six pm. He needed to decide quickly if he was going to meet her.

Severus checked the address before Apparating. He'd carefully chosen his cravat and vest that he was wearing over his white shirt. He'd decided to forgo the suit coat. He scoffed at his attention to detail. This was just a meeting of two old friends, nothing more. Spinning around, he found himself in an alley down the street from Olivia's flat. He quickly made his way to her door and knocked.

She opened the door and grinned at him. "I was hoping you'd come," she said as she opened the door to let him in.

He gave her a half smile as he entered and turned back toward her. She motioned for him to take a seat. He moved to the sofa and sat on the end. She took the other end.

"Where shall we go for dinner?" Olivia asked.

"I'm not very familiar with this area. What's good around here."

"I'm in the mood for Italian if that's okay? There's a cute little restaurant a few blocks from here."

"Sounds good. Shall we?" Severus asked.

Olivia got up and grabbed her bag, and they were off. They walked together and made small talk.

"So, what have you been up to?" Olivia asked.

"I was a teacher at Hogwarts."


"Long story I'd rather not go into right now."

She nodded.

"What about you? Why is a formidable witch like you working as a waitress in a Muggle café?"

"I try not to call attention to myself. A magical person in an important Muggle position… not conducive to going unnoticed."

"But our world doesn't pay attention to Muggle goings on."

"Most don't, but some do. Not taking any chances."

"Yet you ask me out to dinner."

She looked at him, gauging him as they walked along. "Something told me you're trustworthy."
He scoffed. "You're a terrible judge of character, then."

She laughed. They came upon the restaurant-Osteria Merlino-and were soon seated. They both ordered, and Severus turned his attention to Olivia, casting a silent and wandless Muffliato so they could converse without the Muggles hearing them.

"Why did you leave the Wizarding world?"

Shrugging, she gave him a vulnerable look. "You know I'm Muggle-born. I didn't like the way the future looked for me."

He nodded in understanding. He regarded her carefully, examining her mind secretly to determine her motives and how much he should reveal about himself. He found nothing within her head to be concerned about.

"I think you should know, I am a Death Eater."

Her eyes widened. "But… no, I read you. You're not a danger to me."

"What do you mean, you read me?" he asked caustically.

She looked down at the table before looking back at him. "I'm a natural Legilimens. I can't read minds like some can, but I can read people's intents and feelings."

He narrowed his eyes at her. "So, you knew I was reading your mind a few minutes ago."

She nodded and blushed. "I did, but I also sensed that you are very secretive and hiding much and needed some assurance to be straight with me."

"How do you know that what I'm hiding isn't going to hurt you?"

She sat back and folded her arms. "Let me think of how to explain it. I've had this ability ever since I can remember. My parents just thought that I had a good sense of people, but as I grew, I realized that I could read their emotions and their intentions. At Hogwarts, Professor Slater, my Head of House, recognized my ability. He put me in contact with a woman who was trained in this type of Legilimency, and I privately tutored with her." She stopped. "I'm sorry, I'm babbling. Basically, my abilities can tell me exactly your motives. I used this ability before I left the Wizarding World to figure out who was a danger to me as a Muggle-born. That's another reason I left our world. I felt that if anyone found out about my abilities, I'd be sought after by the wrong element to get an edge. My powers aren't impervious to the Imperius Curse."

"So, if I understand, you cannot read memories, but you can get the feelings behind them. You can also identify if someone is a danger to you."

She nodded. "Which is why you telling me you're a Death Eater makes no sense to me," she said softly.

He frowned at her. "I wasn't planning on telling you my life story, Olivia."

She shrugged. "You don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to, but I don't understand how you can be a Death Eater when I feel no danger from you."

They were quiet for a while. The waiter brought their pasta over to them, but they just stared at each other for a bit. Severus mulled over what to do. He reached out to her mind, finding no danger within her. He didn't sense her Occluding either. If anything, she'd opened her mind to him so he could determine how to proceed with her. He finally cleared his throat.

"Thank you for letting me examine your mind," he said finally.

She nodded. Just the fact that she'd opened to him made him feel he could tell her things he could divulge to no one else. But he never trusted anyone. Why would he trust her? If he was wrong, it could mean his death. He slipped into her mind again, seeing her frown because he was being so cautious. She opened to him once again, though, encouraging him to trust her. Well, he could only trust her to an extent, but it was enough for him to feel his secrets wouldn't be forfeit if he explained them to her.

He sighed. "I'm sorry-I had to be sure."

She nodded. "I understand. I can feel that whatever you're going to tell me is dangerous for anyone to know. I promise you, Severus, whatever you say will not leave this table."

"I am a Death Eater, but I am a double… well, triple-agent, I guess you could say."
Olivia nodded, urging him to go on.

"I worked for Dumbledore. I pretend to be a spy for the Dark Lord, but actually, I am working for the Order, trying to thwart him. My life is constantly in danger, but I have gained the Dark Lord's trust. I am probably his most trusted follower at the moment."

"I see. How do you keep all this from him?"

He frowned. "I am a powerful Occlumens. If the Dark Lord were to know my real intentions, I'd be a dead man."

She looked at him with respect. "Thank you for doing what you're doing. You don't know what it means to me to know you're working against him. Maybe someday because of your efforts, I can return to our world."

"I hope so. I mean, if that's what you want. I hope that he will be defeated, and we will all be able to live more peaceful lives."

Severus mulled over their evening as he readied for bed. He'd had no intention of telling her all that he had, but it had almost been a relief to tell someone about himself and have her actually believe him. Everyone in the Order had always given him the side-eye even though Dumbledore had vouched for him. They admitted that they trusted him because Dumbledore had. Now, obviously, what little trust they'd had was gone.

But Olivia seemed to take him at his word. It was… surprising to have someone do so. They'd had a nice evening. He enjoyed her company enough so that when she suggested she cook a meal for him on the weekend, he didn't think twice about accepting. He knew that the next few months would be difficult, and it would be nice to just escape from all of that, even for only a little while.

The rest of the week had dragged by. Severus was lying low, and he hadn't been summoned by the Dark Lord, either, so he just had been hanging out in the cabin doing nothing except brewing potions now and then. He'd been working on a long-acting antivenin based on the cure that had been developed for Arthur Weasley when he'd been attacked by Nagini. Something in the back of Severus' mind had warned him to be ready. 'Constant Vigilance' and all that clap-trap, but if the Dark Lord was going to use Nagini against him, he wanted to be ready.

After the attack on Arthur, he'd met with the Healers to find out exactly how they'd cured Weasley. He had used their research to create the potion himself and had been experimenting on it ever since. He hoped to not only be able to use it in the case of an… attack from the snake, but as a preventative, he could take monthly to build up his ability to fight off Nagini's venom.

But now, it was time to meet Olivia again. Meandering over to his bedroom, he dressed carefully, tying his cravat and choosing a dark green suitcoat. It was nice to not have to wear black all the time.

He Apparated to her door and knocked. She answered quickly.

"Hi Severus," she said as she opened the door wide. Her black hair curled around her face beautifully. He found she looked quite lovely.

He said hello as he entered. "Mmm, is that a roast I smell?"

"Yes. I hope you like them."

"One of my favorite meals."

She smiled, but it didn't reach her eyes.

"Something's wrong," he said as he gave her a worried look.

"Come in and sit down. I need to ask you about something."

He settled into her couch. She went over to her table, picked up a newspaper, and came over to him, dropping it into his lap. It was a copy of the latest Prophet. The Headline on the main page said "Hunt for Dumbledore's Killer Continues." Underneath was a large picture of Severus scowling at the camera. His eyes shot up to Olivia's.

"I thought I might get up to date on what was going on in our world so we would have something to talk about. Imagine my shock when I see you've killed Dumbledore." She gave him a concerned look as she sat across from him on the sofa. "What's going on, Severus. Why did you kill the Headmaster?"

"Maybe I should just go."

"Maybe you should just explain this to me. I'm puzzled. I know you're not dangerous, yet this headline seems to say the opposite. Can you help me sort this in my head?"

He arched a brow at her. "You've kept an open mind despite this headline?"

She shrugged. "I know what I know about you. There's got to be a reason for what this is reporting. I know you're not an evil man, and I find it hard to believe you're a murderer."

"Perhaps your skills have failed you."

Her lips thinned. "My abilities never fail me, so you want to tell me why you killed him?" she demanded sharply.

"Because he told me to, all right?" he snarled.

"Excuse me? Why on earth would he do such a thing?"

Severus rose. "You know what, never mind. You're not going to believe me. No one will. I'm not even supposed to be telling anyone about this."

"Who says you're not supposed to be telling anyone?"

"Dumbledore! No one can know or my cover could be blown. Just… He asked me to do it. I did it. I'm a murderer. I will take my leave. Have a good night."

He turned and began storming to the door.

"Severus, stop." He heard her coming after him. "Please just tell me everything."

He spun around violently. "Why do you even care?"

"I don't know," she said truthfully. "I just… from the moment I saw you, I've felt drawn to you. I felt that we were supposed to find one another and that I needed to reconnect with you. I can't explain it any other way, but I want to know the truth. I want to help if I can."

"No one can help."

"Why did he ask you to kill him?"

He shook his head and looked away.

"Come sit down. Talk to me. It will probably help to talk about it."

"Bollocks." Nevertheless, he stalked back to the sofa and settled in. Olivia followed him and sat down, looking at him expectedly.

"There are several reasons. He'd been cursed by a ring and only had months or even weeks to live. The Dark Lord had asked a sixth-year student to kill him, and he wanted to protect the boy's soul. Lastly, he wanted to ensure my place with the Dark Lord." He went on to tell her the circumstances of Dumbledore's murder.

"That's bloody bonkers."

"Tell me about it," he huffed.

"How did you do it?"

He glared at her. "I used my wand and the killing curse."

She shook her head. "No, how did you do it? Kill your friend? It must have been horrible."

He looked away, frowning. "I'd known I was to do the deed for months-since the summer previously. I had plenty of time to acclimate myself to the idea."

"Still." She moved over and grasped his hand, squeezing it. "I'm sorry you had to do that."

He pulled his hand from her. "Who the hell are you? How can you just accept that I killed a man and give me comfort? What is going on here?"

"My abilities give me a good deal of empathy."

"I'm a cold-blooded killer. There's no empathy you can give me. You should just hate me like everyone else does."

"I'm sorry, Severus; I can't do that. I can feel the pain you're dealing with. I can feel that you hated killing your friend and despised that he asked it of you. I know you're not a cold-blooded killer."

It was too much. Just too much. "I don't understand," he ground out.

"Hasn't anyone ever stuck up for you, Severus?"

"Yes, of course…" His lips thinned. "No. Not really," he said in defeat.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm sticking up for you. What Dumbledore asked of you was horrid. He should have been ashamed of himself."

Severus closed his eyes and looked away. "He'd always say it was for the Greater Good."

Olivia moved up next to him. "Bollocks. There's no good in this. Now you're in hiding: a wanted man."

"The Dark Lord feels that he will take the Ministry soon and give me some sort of reward."

"And yet, you still have to deal with having killed someone you were close to."

He hung his head but said nothing. Olivia pulled him to her and hugged him tightly. "I'm here to help, Severus. If you want to talk, talk. If you want to scream, go ahead. If you want to cry…"

"I have done enough of that to last a lifetime."

She squeezed him. "Still."

His arms went around her then, and he held her close, burying his head in the crook of her neck. They held that position for a while before Severus had composed himself and pulled away. "You've always been supportive of me, Olivia. Thank you."

She blushed and looked away. "I may have had a slight crush on you back in seventh-year."


She nodded. "You weren't really looking for someone to be involved with then, though."

"You're right, I wasn't, but now I feel like I missed an opportunity."

She shrugged and looked up to the ceiling, blushing some more. She looked back at him."Well, I'm here now. Maybe this is a second chance."

He looked into her deep blue eyes. They'd always enchanted him, even as a kid when he didn't even think of her as a girl. Now it was most evident that she was a girl and quite a beautiful one. One who was expressing interest in him. Would wonders never cease?

Reaching out, he caressed her cheek. She didn't pull away or look at him in disgust. In fact, she may have leaned into his hand. He smirked and moved closer, kissing her softly. She opened to him and he marveled at the feeling of kissing her and the emotions she was evoking from him.

Severus was grateful he'd found Olivia. Because he was a wanted man, he couldn't do much of anything, so his time spent with Olivia was precious to him and saved him from going insane. He'd given her access to his cabin, and they were there together as he worked on the Antivenin potion.

"So, you think your Dark Lord would try to kill you with Nagini?" Olivia asked.

His eyes moved to her and back to his calculations.

"I think he'll Avada me, to be honest, but the snake isn't out of the question."

Olivia reached out and squeezed his arm. "We need to have a plan if that happens."

He arched a brow. "What kind of plan?"

"One to save you! I can help you survive if the snake attacks you."

Severus sat back in his chair and folded his arms. "Hmm, I hadn't thought about that. I'm so used to having to do everything myself, I didn't even think about you possibly helping me to survive."

Olivia got up and sat on his lap, putting her arms around him. She kissed him soundly. "Well, now I'm here, and I'm going to help you. I have a vested interest in your survival."

Severus smirked at her. "I would like to survive, too."

She leaned in and whispered in his ear. "Well, let's make that happen."

He captured her lips, and they were engrossed in each other for quite a while before pulling apart.

"I have an idea," Severus murmured. "Maybe we can have a way to monitor each other, letting the other know when we're near death."

Olivia curled up into him. "What could we use for that?"

"I will have to think about it. And you would need to carry the Antivenin and several other potions on your person to be ready at any time."

She nodded.

Severus' Mark burned-something he hadn't felt in weeks. Standing, he touched his Dark Mark and was pulled away. He found himself in Malfoy Manor standing in front of Voldemort.

"My Lord, you summoned me?" he asked with a bow of his head.

"Yes, Severus. I wanted to give you an update. Tomorrow, the Ministry will be taken over. Once nerves have settled after that, I will announce that you are the new Headmaster at Hogwarts."

"My Lord? Isn't that…?"

"Brilliant? Yes, of course it is. Everything I devise is brilliant."

"Won't I be a target for Aurors and the like?"

"The Aurors will be directed by us. No one will touch you, Severus, and you will be able to instill our values into the youth of today. I am thinking of having the Carrows teach there as well."

Severus held his tongue. Any negative thing he said would be punished and definitely not taken into account. His feelings on the ineptitude of the Carrows was a moot point to the Dark Lord.

"So, I will start as Headmaster in the new school year in September?"

"Yes. I wanted to give you the time you need to get ready for everything."

Severus bowed his head. "Thank you, My Lord. I will prepare accordingly."

"Good. That is all, Severus. I'll summon you when the announcement about your posting is about to go out."

"Yes, My Lord."

Severus Apparated on the spot. Instead of heading to his cabin, he headed directly for Olivia's flat. Thankfully it was her day off, and they had plans to spend the day together later, so he knew she'd be home. Nonetheless, she looked surprised to see him so early when she opened the door.


He came in urgently and wrapped her in a hug.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "I can feel you're upset."

He just held her for a bit before finally pulling away and frowning.

"I was summoned by the Dark Lord."

She nodded for him to go on as she led him to the sofa and settled in with him, grasping his hand.

"He wanted me to know he's taking the Ministry tomorrow and has plans to announce that I will be the new Headmaster at Hogwarts come fall."

Olivia studied his face. "How does that make you feel?"

"He says it's a reward, but it's almost like a punishment." He swallowed hard. "How can I do this? How can I be there day in and day out with everyone looking at me with hatred in their eyes? With everyone talking about me being a bloody murderer? How can I get respect from the faculty, who were my friends, when I killed their boss and the man they considered their friend, too?"

Olivia blinked away tears as she pulled him to her and hugged him furiously. "Merlin, I don't know."

He buried his face in the crook of her neck, and they held each other silently. He had no desire to move away from her. Just her holding him like this was easing his worry. After a long while, he spoke into her shoulder.

"I have to do it. It doesn't matter how it makes me feel."

"Of course it does," she countered as she rubbed his back. "You have to work through the emotions that are going to come or you'll be a mess."

He pulled back and looked into her eyes. "I can't do this alone. I need you here with me so I can let it all out."

"You know I'm here to support you, Severus. I won't let you deal with all of this by yourself."

He returned to their previous position, squeezing her. "I'll open the Floo so you can come see me at Hogwarts."

"Will you be able to leave to come see me?"

"Not often. I'm sure the Dark Lord will want me there supervising at all times."

She pulled back and cupped his cheek. "I'll come every night after work. Every night, I promise."

He leaned in, capturing her lips. His urgency was palpable and Olivia moaned as he lavished her with affection. He finally rested his forehead against hers.

"Thank you."

She smiled lovingly at him. "Of course."

Her hands came up and cupped his face as she kissed him again tenderly. "I will always be here for you."

Olivia emerged from the Floo into Severus' cabin and looked around for him.

"Severus!" she called.

"In here," he called to her. He couldn't leave the cauldron he was stirring so he waited for her to come in.

"Oh, you're brewing. How's it going?" she asked.

"I need to stir this for another fifteen minutes."

"Do you think the changes you made will work?"

He nodded. "It already looks different. After all the changes I've made to it, I think this one is what I've been trying to create. Something that can be taken long-term as a preventative, yet cure instantly if necessary."

"How will you know when it's right?" Olivia asked.

"I'll have to test it on rats like I've been doing. Even if the Dark Lord uses Nagini to attack anyone again, I just can't go up to them and pour this down their throats. I'd be killed in seconds."

Olivia came up to him and put her hand on his shoulder. "You are incredibly brave, Severus. I don't know how you do it."

His eyes met hers momentarily before moving back to the cauldron and his stirring. "I have to, so I do."


He pecked her on the cheek quickly and moved his attention back to the cauldron. He motioned to the far table, where a small box sat. "Open that."

She wandered over and lifted the lid of the box. Inside there were two necklaces. One was more masculine, a simple, thick, silver chain. The other was a thinner chain. Both had a Celtic knot charm on them. Olivia picked them up and looked over at Severus, who was still stirring.

"These are lovely. What are they for?"

"The charms are enspelled to be a pair. We'll need to wear them always. If either of us is hurt, the other's pendant will warm. By touching the pendant, it will transport you to my side, and vice-versa."

"Severus, this is brilliant." She put his necklace down and unsnapped the clasp on hers, putting it around her neck and fastening it. "I love it. It's perfect."

"Will you put mine on while I continue to work on this?"

She nodded and moved up behind him, fastening his necklace to him. "They're lovely," she said as she kissed the back of his neck where the necklace lay.

"Just like you."


"Of course. I want you to know how important you are to me."

She sighed as she wrapped her arms around him, leaving his arms free to continue stirring the potion. "I love you," she murmured.

He stilled for a second before continuing with his stirring.

"You do?"

She nodded into his back. At that point, Severus finished with the brew. He turned and captured her in his arms.


She nodded again, blushing and looking down. He took his finger and urged her chin up so she could look into his eyes.

"I love you, too."

She smiled then, and his life seemed so much happier. Leaning low, he kissed her passionately. Her hand came up and tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer. They enjoyed each other for quite a while.

It was the day before school was to begin. Severus stood outside the door of the teacher's lounge, hesitating. They were all in there. All of them. And when he opened the door, he'd be met with hateful glances, scowls, and probably cruel words. He deserved all of it, but he wasn't sure how he'd take it at all. He took in a couple of deep breaths and strengthened his Occlumency shields. He needed to seem indifferent to anything that would go on in the room before him.

He placed his hand on the doorknob, hesitating only for another millisecond before throwing it open and stalking through it. He glared at everyone. They were all standing around in two groups. The Carrows were off by themselves glaring at everyone else, and the returning professors were all in a circle. They turned almost in unison and glared right back at him.
"Please take your seats," he told them all.

They moved to the chairs set up around the room. He eyed each of them before speaking again.

"Thank you for all being here."

"As if we had a choice," Pomona said under her breath.

Severus ignored her. "The Ministry wants to see more this year than ever before. They want the students to be prepared in the Dark Arts."

"By Ministry you mean You-Know-Who…"

"Yes, Filius. He is now in charge of the Ministry. There's no reason to deny it. He wants the students to be trained up so they can be potent wizards and witches. As Headmaster, I will ensure that they are being taught what is needed."

"And we're supposed to work under a murderer?"

That had come from Minerva. Severus cringed inwardly, the first of many insults he was sure to hear, and Min was never shy about sharing her opinions. Before he could even say anything, Alecto had risen and was now pointing her wand in Minerva's face.

"Say anything like that again and you'll be sorry!" she snarled.

Minerva gave her a withering look. "You don't scare me, you two-bit gangster. Get that wand out of my face."

Alecto's face filled with rage and she pulled her arm back, about to send a hex at the older witch. Severus was by her side in an instant, holding her arm back.

"Now, now, Alecto. We are all free to express our feelings here. I am not averse to hearing negative comments."

Alecto glared at him, but retreated and sat down.

He looked at Minerva coldly. "Say what you want about me in this room, but when we are among the students, you will show the respect that a Headmaster is due."

Hooch scoffed.

"You have something to add, Rolanda?" Severus snapped.

She gave him a diffident look but shook her head.

"Good… Now then…" He described how the year would go, ignoring the comments quietly made under the professors' breaths. He held his hand out when Amycus stood and glared at a specifically crude thing that Sinistra had said a bit loudly. Amycus narrowed his eyes but sat back down.

"Now, now, Aurora. We can act like adults, can't we? There's no reason to throw around insults anymore."

She glared at him and huffed. He continued, giving a few more rules that everyone was to follow.

"You are dismissed to get your classrooms ready." He spun on his heels and quickly left them all behind. Stalking to his quarters, he entered and warded the door behind him. His hands formed into fists, and he stalked back and forth, enraged. Damned Dark Lord making him do this!

He picked up the lantern on the table and flung it against the wall. It shattered just as Olivia came through the Floo.

"Whoa, are you all right?" she asked.

He turned and glowered. "No, I'm not all right. I have to spend the year being glared at and having my staff mutter under their breath and call me a murderer."

He took some deep heavy breaths as Olivia came up to him. "Oh, darling, I'm so sorry." She pulled him to her. "This is the absolute worst."

His arms came around her and he pulled her close. "Thank you. I'm glad you came when you did. I might have destroyed my entire room had you not stepped through that Floo."

She pulled back and smiled at him, tipping his nose with her finger. "I love you, you know."

He kissed her softly. "I love you, too. I wish you could just live here, but I don't want anyone to find out about you. I won't have you be a target."

"I know. But at least I can be here every night."

"Thank Merlin."

They snogged for a bit before he pulled away. "Will you stay the night with me?"

She blushed. "Thought you'd never ask."

"I wasn't sure that you wanted to move forward like this with our relationship."

"I told you I love you."

He smirked at her. "That you did." He took her hand. "Come on."

She followed him into the bedroom, where they showed their affection for one another throughout the night.

The year dragged on. Severus kept his shields up so he seemed indifferent in front of the students and faculty. At night, he let Olivia comfort him as he slowly fell apart. She built him back up so he could take on the next day. Over and over it happened. Over and over he played the game, day in and day out.

As he sat doing paperwork one day, his Dark Mark burned. He wasn't surprised. The Dark Lord had left him to run the school, and he'd been expecting a summons to report on how everything was going.

He stood and touched his Dark Mark, disappearing and reappearing in Malfoy Manor in front of Voldemort. The Dark Lord moved up to Severus.

"Ah, and how goes the school, Severus?"

"It goes well, my Lord."

"Hmm, that's not what I hear from Alecto and Amycus."

"They are jealous that they don't have the power to run the school, my Lord."

"They say that chaos reigns. Students skipping classes. Disappearing. What are you doing about that, Severus?"

"They are handed detentions when they act out, my Lord."

"Amycus says he hasn't been able to Crucio students for several weeks. Do you fear using that curse against them?"

"Of course not. Amycus would Crucio every student if he had the chance. I want them to learn something when they are serving detention."

"Such as?" He paused. "I mean, can't much be learned from a well-placed Crucio?"

Severus studied Voldemort, trying to figure out what the man wanted to hear. "Yes, of course, my Lord."

"Good. See to it that they are able to teach the children a lesson."

Severus bowed his head. "Yes, my Lord."


Severus bowed his head lower and Apparated away back to his office. His lips thinned. He would have to let the Carrows do some detentions now. Perhaps he could hide some of the offenses of incredibly unruly students so they wouldn't know that detentions were being handed out. Of course, they were the ones giving most of those detentions. He'd need to be more visible so that those who got in trouble did so in his presence.

He left his office then. He'd need to patrol the halls much more often. Merlin, the end of the year couldn't come soon enough.

The snake kept attacking, biting him several times on the neck. He fell to the floor. Time slowed to nothing. His eyes strayed over, and Potter was bending over him, taking his tears filled with memories. It took an eternity, but absolutely no time at all before everything went black.

Olivia appeared with a pop, rushing over to him.

"Oh, I waited as long as I could. I hope I'm not too late," she said to herself as she examined Severus. When her necklace had heated, she had the urge to just Apparate away, but Severus had previously advised her to wait in case it took the Dark Lord a while to leave him. She'd waited as long as she could without going insane.

Taking the potion, she poured it down his throat and made him swallow it by massaging his neck, being careful not to disrupt the area where the snake had attacked. She quickly got some Dittany out of her pocket and poured that on his wound. Then she administered a blood-replenishing potion, quickly followed up by another vial of his antivenin remedy. She paused to wave her wand over him. His heart beat faintly, which she was grateful for.

She gave him another Blood Replenishing potion and looked around, finally noting the enormous amount of blood surrounding Severus. It was a miracle he was still alive. The Antivenin he'd been dosing himself with had kept him barely alive until she could come.
She waved her wand around him, but he didn't seem to be any better than he'd been a minute before.

"Come on, come on, Severus!"

She decided to give him one more vial of the Antivenin. Checking his wound, she put some more Dittany on it, fully sealing it. She waited another minute and took his vitals again with her wand. He was finally stabilizing.

Standing, she levitated him, grasped him, and Apparated away to their hidden cabin. She quickly warded the cabin in case Voldemort somehow survived and sought out Severus. They'd have to move quickly, but he needed to mend more and regain consciousness.

She floated him over to his bed and settled him in, sitting on the bed next to him. She took more diagnostics, relieved that he seemed to be getting stronger. She magically cleaned him up and switched out his destroyed robes for some black satin pajamas. Only then did she let herself feel the panic that had been buried deep within her. She laid down beside him and wrapped her arm around his chest, letting the tears come. Crying quietly, she lay there next to him, hoping he would recover. He had to survive. She didn't know how she'd go on if he didn't, but his wounds were severe. Hopefully, the potions would counteract the snake's venom and the blood loss. She worried endlessly as her tears finally lessened, and she drifted off to sleep.

Severus moaned and strained to open his eyes. It took some effort to crack them open. The first thing he saw was Olivia's concerned face hovering over him.


He opened his mouth to say something, but she put her hand on his chest. "Don't say anything just yet. I want to make sure your vocal cords weren't harmed in the attack. There was so much damage I couldn't tell before it all healed."

He nodded slightly as she waved her wand over him taking diagnostics. "You've been unconscious for two days, but I think that was partly due to the potion and its healing effects. I tried to mend your neck, but I think you'll have a scar, but other than that, you'll be okay. And…" She put her wand away. "Your vocal chords are fine."

"The Dark Lord?" he croaked out.

"It's all over the papers. Harry Potter defeated him."

Severus' eyebrows furrowed. "I thought the boy had to die."

"Well, the papers didn't exactly say what happened, but the Dark Lord cast the Killing Curse and he survived."

Severus got a faraway look. "The Boy Who Lived… Twice."

"Yes, the papers have been all a buzz about that. But it sounds like he played dead and popped up at just the right time and fought him. He won."

"What happened to all the Death Eaters?"

"Some ran, but most are in Azkaban."

Severus closed his eyes and sighed. "I can't believe it's over." His voice filled with emotion. "It's finally over!"

Olivia curled up next to him on the bed and surrounded him in an embrace. "It is, love. You can finally live without being under the thumb of that bastard."

He snuggled into her. "I never thought I'd be free. I was sure I'd be killed first. Merlin… what do I do now?"

Olivia kissed his forehead. "What do you want to do?"

Live… Get away from here… Be with you… forever."

Her eyes misted over. "You'd really want that?"

"Of course. I love you, and you know it."

She pulled back and looked at him. "Damn straight I do. I just wasn't sure if you wanted this… us… forever."

"Why not?"

She shrugged. He reached up and cupped her cheek. "You have been the only thing that has kept me sane. You're kind, understanding, loving, beautiful. I never want us to be apart."

She leaned in and kissed him. "I feel the same about you, except you're not really beautiful. Handsome and rugged, maybe, but I wouldn't go beautiful."

He laughed, wincing slightly as his scar was still healing. "I wouldn't even go handsome," he admitted.

"Severus, look at me."

His eyes drifted to hers.

"You are handsome to me. I love being seen with you. I always want to be with you."

His kiss came suddenly. He was overwhelmed with affection for her. She was everything. Everything. She opened up to him and his tongue plundered her. They were absorbed with one another for a bit before she pulled away.

"Severus, you're just getting better. We can't…"

"I know, but I want you to know how I feel."

She smiled at him and stroked his face. "I do. I love you, too."

He smirked. "All right. Let's just lie here and enjoy being close to each other, all right?"

She nodded and settled back next to him, placing her head on his chest. "Do you feel okay?"

"Not perfect, but almost normal, and I feel better with you here with me."

She smiled into his chest. "I'll always be here for you."

"Thank you, love," he said emotionally.

Severus kissed Olivia awake. She opened her eyes and smiled at him.

"Shall we head out and get some Biscotti for breakfast?" he asked.

"Mmm, sounds lovely-with a cappuccino?"


They dressed quickly and soon left their flat and headed to the small restaurant across the canal from their home.

It had taken a day before Severus had felt good enough to travel. They'd left immediately, using a Portkey he'd created himself. They'd appeared in Rome and then traveled to Venice. Olivia had secretly rented out a flat there in case they needed to flee. It was in Muggle Venice to avoid attention. They used magic, but only within the confines of their flat or when they Apparated to the magical area of the city.

They hopped into their private gondola and crossed the canal, mooring in front of their intended location-Frattelanza. Severus helped Olivia out of the boat, and they headed into the small restaurant.

They were seated and ordered their biscotti and cappuccino which was served quickly. Severus lifted his biscotti and dunked it in his coffee.

"So, what shall we do today?"

Olivia shrugged. "Oh! We wanted to head out to Marghera and look for junipers and bay laurel."

"You're right. I almost forgot." Severus sat back and folded his arms. "Since we got here, Olivia, it's been so nice. I feel at peace for the first time in my life."

Olivia smiled at him. "You deserve this, Severus. I have to say, I've never been happier. I enjoyed living in London, but I love being in Italy. The people I work with have become like family to me in the six months we've been here."

"And who would have thought that it would be so easy to sell my potions without my own Apothecary. Paolo constantly tells me that my potions are the best in all of Italy, and he's honored to sell them at his shop."

"Bacchetta e Calderone has already become a well-respected brand, Severus. Your potions are sought after everywhere in the country."

"Amazing, really. The notoriety I always wanted but not in my own country."

Olivia considered him. "Does that bother you?"

He shrugged. "My life was very different from what I wanted it to be in Britain. And there was no opportunity for me to do anything like this. Now… Now I can live my life as I see fit, not beholden to anyone."

"I'm glad we could escape from there."

He moved forward and motioned for her hand. She placed hers in his. "And I'm glad you're here with me. It wouldn't be as fulfilling without you," he told her.

She squeezed his hand. "I haven't ever been this happy, Severus."

"Neither have I. Thank you for helping me to feel that."

"Since I met you in that cafė, that's all I've ever wanted for you, love. I'm glad you've finally found it."

"So am I."

They finished breakfast and spent the rest of the day away searching for potions ingredients.

That night, Severus watched Olivia sleeping. He thanked Merlin that she'd come into his life. He'd truly found something he never thought would be possible, and he couldn't be happier. He kissed her forehead lightly before snuggling next to her. He had soon fallen into a peaceful sleep beside her.

type: fic, author: debjunk, category: four

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