Title: Moments on a Platform Type: Fic Age-Range Category: Two Character(s): Snape, mentions of Lily and her family Author: gracelessmary Rating: PG Summary: A series of snapshots travelling to school.
It's nice to have the progression of Severus' school life so clearly laid out, and to learn of the passing of his parents in passing. An orphan by his final year in school-that feels canonical to me and explains a bit about his choices. We know he makes bad ones, and reading this, it's not difficult to see why.
From his heartbreaking defenses as an eleven-year-old - never let any emotion through or it'll be used against you - to the dangerous but understandable desire to be protected (even by Dark Lords) when he's older, Severus believably shows us what happens to children who grow up without sufficient love and support. A painful but plausible story.
Comments 11
Oh, Severus, not bitter at all . . . . :(
It's nice to have the progression of Severus' school life so clearly laid out, and to learn of the passing of his parents in passing. An orphan by his final year in school-that feels canonical to me and explains a bit about his choices. We know he makes bad ones, and reading this, it's not difficult to see why.
The change in Severus is so heartbreaking... you've captured that well!
A great idea to have such a clear concept of a given moment to follow through the years of his time as a Hogwarts student. Thank you for this!
From his heartbreaking defenses as an eleven-year-old - never let any emotion through or it'll be used against you - to the dangerous but understandable desire to be protected (even by Dark Lords) when he's older, Severus believably shows us what happens to children who grow up without sufficient love and support. A painful but plausible story.
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