Title: A Whole World of Wonderful Things Type: Fic Age-Range Category: Five Character(s): Severus, others Author: iulia_linnea Rating: PG-13 Summary: Severus has been wandering for a while. He's not lost.
My reaction to this story is one of gratitude: Severus seems to feel it keenly, and I really enjoy the idea that, on his journey, he's learned how to do that. And your ending, which reads like a beginning to me, illustrates what good can come of so much care. Oh! You've made me hungry, too. ;P
Ouch - he's found happiness in his make-believe world, why would he ever leave it? It's such a lovely, lovely life he's built in his head, i doubt he'll find any good enough reason to leave it. He's happy, but i wonder - is a part of him, somewhere, aware that it's a fantasy (since he's aware of Theodore, somehow) and if yes, is he somehow choosing to keep away from our world? And... can i blame him?
As I read the first part, I was happy for Severus for finding happiness finally, if not for being a titch lonely. But he seemed to overcome that in his thinking.
Then came the second part. Geez, I don't know if I'd want to wake up either, but this gutted me anyway. So sad to see that even when he's happy, he's really not in a good place.
Comments 14
My reaction to this story is one of gratitude: Severus seems to feel it keenly, and I really enjoy the idea that, on his journey, he's learned how to do that. And your ending, which reads like a beginning to me, illustrates what good can come of so much care. Oh! You've made me hungry, too. ;P
What a lovely story... I like that someone cares for and about Severus and makes sure that Severus is 'living' well... and very creatively done.
Ouch - he's found happiness in his make-believe world, why would he ever leave it? It's such a lovely, lovely life he's built in his head, i doubt he'll find any good enough reason to leave it. He's happy, but i wonder - is a part of him, somewhere, aware that it's a fantasy (since he's aware of Theodore, somehow) and if yes, is he somehow choosing to keep away from our world? And... can i blame him?
(No, not really. Damn, i'm 💔
As I read the first part, I was happy for Severus for finding happiness finally, if not for being a titch lonely. But he seemed to overcome that in his thinking.
Then came the second part. Geez, I don't know if I'd want to wake up either, but this gutted me anyway. So sad to see that even when he's happy, he's really not in a good place.
After the way Severus's life went, I'm not surprised he doesn't want to wake up.
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