Title: Pragmatic Wizardry Type: Fic Age-Range Category: Five Characters: A wizard, three hags, and a forest warden Author: iulia_linnea Beta(s): Shog Rating: PG Click to View [Warning(s)]Hags die, babies don't. Summary: A wizard, three hags, and a forest warden walk into a story; not all of them walk out of it . . . .
Yay, hags! I don't know why nobody ever writes about them - they're fun! Me, I have a soft spot for Snape-and-hags... though my interests are maybe not as... explosive... as this :p.
What a great little story! I'm definitely a fan of Hermit!Snape too!
I've written some hag- and heeg-related fic (heegs are what I call male hags, though their existence is disputed), and my favorite one is A Fairytale Ending (NC-17; Drapery, Snarry, Draco/OFC; 1300 words): Severus is saved from Nagini's bite by an ugly hag who yearns to be "witch-beautiful," and together, neither of them ends up alone.
I love the hag in this fic, and I thought you might, as well. :D
What an intriguing, fun and clever fic! I was hooked as soon as I was introduced to these hags: I love their names. There's a lot of unused potential in hags, and you've portrayed three wonderful hag characters to serve your story. And of course I always love Severus Snape, too - and in a new way now that he's William Prince.
Comments 34
A warning and a summary! ;P Shog feels sorry for the hags, but I'm glad that the wizard responsible for their fate is such a good neighbor.
And now I'm feeling rather desperate for game pie and ale!
What a great little story! I'm definitely a fan of Hermit!Snape too!
I've written some hag- and heeg-related fic (heegs are what I call male hags, though their existence is disputed), and my favorite one is A Fairytale Ending (NC-17; Drapery, Snarry, Draco/OFC; 1300 words): Severus is saved from Nagini's bite by an ugly hag who yearns to be "witch-beautiful," and together, neither of them ends up alone.
I love the hag in this fic, and I thought you might, as well. :D
A high compliment, thank you!
I'm so pleased! Thank you for sharing that with me. :D
Nicely done!
Thank you so much! :D
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