Explanation and Rules

Aug 30, 2006 13:55

S.N.A.P.E.- shy or unfamiliar with the concept?

This contest was invented by
_vocalion_ in June 2005. It started out with 'Snapish' versions of famous paintings, but has evolved since then. We have had movie!Snape, Snape on the run, fairytale!Snape, and of course, famous paintings as themes. Many people have had fun with the contest since it started. To make the contest more visible, and easier to find, we created this community.

We welcome new contestants--all you need is an Internet connection, a sense of humor, and a will to dominate your mouse! Although the word "art" is in the title and our monthly activities are billed as contests, society members are a friendly group who share an interest in poking fun at Snape and/or using his image to create visual humor. Everyone is welcome. Just playing with the idea makes you automatically a member of the society. Why not give it a go?


1. Your entry should be funny! Entries are judged primarily on originality and humor.

2. The paintings should be made with ArtPad, accessible to almost everyone. Often, ArtPad doesn't work. See a list of alternatives here. Please note that ArtPad does not allow pornographic art.

3. Artistic talent isn't required, only imagination and humour. Stick figure Snapes are perfectly acceptable.

4. Snape must be in the picture, in recognizable form. Follow the host's directions regarding other characters, architecture, etc.

5. In general, the composition of an original painting should be recognizable - either by keeping some of the elements there or by keeping the general composition.

6. In general, dialogue is optional.

7. Post your entry in the main contest entry, i.e., the first one for the theme.

8. Post links to your paintings in the comments for your entry. Remember to give your paintings titles (not a must, but nice.) If you are having trouble posting an entry, please email the mods at snapeartist@googlemail.com and we will try to help.

9. ArtPad can fail, so save your entries as you create them by at least creating screen captures, and definitely save a screen shot of the completed work.

10. Multiple entries are welcome. Invite your friends: everyone is welcome to submit!

11. The deadline for the contest is midnight wherever you are on the date set by the host.

12. The Grand Prize Winner will be hosting the next month's contest and choosing the theme. In addition, the winner and possibly runner-ups may receive a prize from the host of the contest they won.

Note: The rights to your original art on this site belong to you, subject to the prior rights of J. K. Rowling. The artwork will be archived here, however. In addition, we may use artwork submitted to create icons or other graphics to promote the contest. Please email us at snapeartist@googlemail.com if you do not want your work used in this way, if you wish your art or a link to your LiveJournal account to be removed, or if you have any questins.


1. You set the specific rules and themes for the monthly contest, and choose the winner. All judging of creative works is subjective - criteria include humor, attention to canon, attention to the rules. Please describe the requirements for your theme in your contest post (past examples: include one other character from canon, Snape is walking into the picture and disrupting it). Try to give examples of possible entries, if you can.

2. You can choose to host the contest on your journal, or here. If you host on your journal, we will mirror your post on this journal, but will direct all comments to you. If you host on your journal, the contest cannot be friends-locked. We want to allow as many people as possible to enter the contest. Please include a link to the snapeartcontest community in your contest posting.

3. You should give the date the contest will end, generally after a month, and the date the winner will be announced.

4. You should announce the winner in a new post, either on your journal if posted there, or here, separate from the original entry post.

5. It is customary, but not mandatory, to give a prize to the winner(s). These are generally fun, not serious. If you know what prize you will give, include that (examples: icons and avatars, artwork, drabbles, stories, poems, Mary Sue dolls, custom-made CDs, socks).

6. We will publicize the contest, but please feel free to plug it as often as you want.

7. If you are having trouble with any aspect of hosting the contest, please let us know at snapeartist@googlemail.com.

8. Past contests have included Non-Entry Options, e.g., holiday themes, substituting oneself for a canon character, etc. Feel free to suggest something like this. Even though these non-contest entries won't win any prizes, they can be fun.

Learn more about S.N.A.P.E. (The Society for Nonsensical Artpad Enthusiasts) and see past entries.


None of this is intended to make a profit. We play with J.K. Rowling's characters as an expression of admiration and gratitude.

Original art in this journal is used with permission.

This community exists for people to have fun. Comments which are harshly critical of artwork submitted, or which are just plain rude, will be deleted without comment by the mods.

Thanks, and have fun!


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