PIMP: Marauder Era Rare Slash Exchange

May 23, 2007 18:02

Announcing the Opening of the Marauder Era Rare Slash Exchange, or MERSE!


What's it about?
MERSE is a ficathon based on slash and femmeslash pairings in the marauder period. The exchange will take place during the summer of 2007.
We're talking everything from James/Snape to Lucius/Dumbledore to McGonagall/Bellatrix to Pettigrew/Rosier to Voldemort/Fudge. Yes. You read that last one right.

So what does this mean?
marauder era: From about the birth of the Maruaders to the death of James Potter. So about 1959 to about 1981.
rare slash: Obviously slash means no het, but what do I mean by rare? Basically this: no Sirius/Remus and no Remus/Snape. So yes, I'm including James/Sirius, which isn't really rare in the Marauder era fics, but is rare in HP fiction generally. Medium-rare anyway.

Important dates
Sign-ups close: June 15, 2007.
Assignments sent: Within a week following close of sign-ups
Stories due: The week starting the 22nd of July

Sign-up post with more information can be found by going to me_rse , or by going to the sign up post [ here ]

marauder era rare slash exchange, announcements

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