My introduction.

Jan 04, 2009 01:08

Hi! You can all call me Alley. :) I write primarily SS/HG and Snupin, but I'm open to other pairings, (SS/practically anyone! hehe). I was recently challenged to write a Snape/Petunia/Lupin fic, and while working on it, I developed a curiosity for the Snape/Petunia pairing, (for which I recently realized we don't have a tag *gasp!*).

I'm one of your friendly neighborhood mods, so you'll see me hopping around the comm, posting announcements, answering your questions, etc.

I hope to see a lot of participation in this community, and look forward to all the wonderful SS/female character art and stories.

Cheers! :)

members' intros

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