Sep 05, 2005 22:44
I regret the loss of so many points to both Slytherin, but there are just some pranks that must go to the Headmaster.
Truth serums--no matter what form they may take--are not to be used for pranks. I don't care how much you dislike someone, or how much you want to get back at a person, truth serums are not the way to go.
It sickens me to see people have so little respect for a persons privacy--and yes, I am also referring to the two girls who tried to broadcast my nightmares to the school.
Everyone should know this well: I will not tolerate invasions of privacy from one student to another or one student to a teacher in any way, shape or form. If there is a legitamite need for such extreme measures, than you should speak to your Head of House and the staff member will decide the appropriate action. I also wish to re-assure you that a staff members will only take such measures towards a student when the situation warrants--such as tonight.
Because we have had two such incidents in such a short period of time, if I catch anyone enganging in some variation of this activity--whether the method be dreams or secrets, truth serums, potions or hexes, I will automatically deduct 100 points from that house and assign at least a two week period of detention--possibly more--based on a consultation with Dumbledore.
Everyone has right to privacy. If you are so foolish as to violate that right then don't go crying to the teachers or your classmates when you eventually have to pay for your act.