Title: A New Kind of Tension
Fandom: Harry Potter [Percy Weasley]
Characters: Percy Weasley, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Ron Weasley, Harry Potter
CD & Song: American Idiot - American Idiot
Rating: PG; Mild Language, CAPSLOCK of RAGE! : Arthur and Percy style
Author's Notes: Yay for twisted canon. 1175 words, some of those are the song, as well as a couple things taken straight from canon. Un-betaed. Comments are love. <3
Don’t want to be an American idiot.
“Percy is a real idiot...” Ron muttered as he bared down on the quill in his hand. “Worse than some of the Yanks running around now-a-days.”
“I thought we went over this already,” Harry sighed, glancing up from his Potions homework. He had to agree with Ron, even if he only knew part of the story. He certainly seemed like an idiot for believing anything Fudge or the Prophet had to say.
Don’t want a nation under the new media.
“He blindly believes every report. Doesn’t even question it one bit, and then criticizes Mum and Dad because they think it’s all bull.”
Hey, can you hear the sound of hysteria?
“It put the whole family into a tail spin. Ginny doesn’t know what to think anymore. Bill and Charlie had a fight over it, took them forever to start talking again..”
“Wait... Bill and Charlie? But...” Harry interjected, pausing as Ron shook his head.
“Bill always had more faith in Percy than Charlie did... Charlie ripped into him the second he left. Bill came to his defense. Massive fight,” Ron sighed heavily. “Bill only apologized to Charlie after Percy slammed his door in Mum’s face. The prat. He’s letting himself be completely brainwashed.”
The subliminal mind fuck America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
“No, Dad! I will NOT calm down!” Percy exclaimed, slamming his fist down on the kitchen table. “You and mother are going to get yourself kill believing that old coot! Dumbledore is just on a war path against the Ministry, making up these stories to scare everyone!”
“Percival, that’s just a story that Fudge made up to make himself look better! Dumbledore is that only one that really knows what’s going on. I thought I taught you better, not the believe everything you read...”
“Yeah, and not to believe everything you hear, too! But you’re doing just that. What do you have to go on about this whole thing other than the word of a boy who could have very well been trying to cover his own ass!”
“I WILL NOT! You’ve been dragging me down, Dad! And getting mixed up in this scheme of that old man’s will just get you in more trouble! And...and....” There was a brief falter in the shouting match. ‘I won’t let you get yourself killed’ or ‘What will Ron and Ginny do if their parents end up dead?’ just didn’t seem like the right things to say at the moment. “I know where my loyalties lie, and they’re on the side of the law, the Ministry! If you and Mum are...are going to break that law, I don’t want to have anything to do with it!”
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
“He won’t talk to any of us,” Ron said, scowling. “Not like I really want to talk to him. Ginny’s tried a few times, to get him to come home and apologize, but he says it’s not happening. Not until Dad apologizes.”
“What does you Dad have to apologize about?” Harry asked, frowning.
“Hell if I know.”
...dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
“What?” The statement was a ghost of a whisper, barely loud enough for Arthur to hear.
“...FINE! I’LL MAKE SURE EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT I’M NOT PART OF THIS FAMILY ANYMORE...ARTHUR!” Percy exclaimed, turning and storming up the stairs. He had to pack.
For that's enough to argue.
“I think even the Diggorys heard the argument... And they live on the other side of the village,” Ron said, scowling. “The prat just packed, up and left without so much as a good-bye to any of us. Just walked right out of the house perfectly stone faced like he didn’t care at all. I hate him. I absolutely hate him.”
Now everybody do the propaganda.
And sing along in the age of paranoia.
“I can’t BELIEVE that boy! I thought he was suppose to be SMART! You always said he was SMART, Molly! OBVIOUSLY, you were WRONG!”
“Arthur Septimus Weasley, how... how COULD you?!” Molly asked, bursting into tears as she stared at the door Percy had left through a few minutes earlier. All of their other children had been rushed off to bed. “How could you?! You practically DISOWNED him! We’re not Blacks!”
“You are, and so am I...” Arthur growled.
“Half and a quarter,” Molly hissed, thrusting her finger at herself and then at her husband. “But that doesn’t mean we have to ACT like it! You will find out where he went, and you will apologize! And you will get him back here!”
“NO! That boy is not allowed back in this house until he apologizes for what he said!”
Molly burst into tears again.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the idiot nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Ron felt like he’d been shot right in the stomach with one of those muggle gun things. The stomach and the heart, at the same time. He’d actually thought...that maybe... But no, of course not. The prat wouldn’t come home so easily. He wouldn’t apologize for what he’d done to mum. And no, not a single ‘I miss you’ or ‘Say hi to Ginny for me’ in the whole bloody fucking letter.
“He is the world’s biggest git,” Ron growled. He could feel the tears bubbling as he ripped the letter in half, then quarters, then eighths. He turned to the fireplace and flung the remains of the letter, of his shattered hope, into the fire and watched briefly as they began to dissolve into cinders.
“Come on, we’ve got to get this finished some time before dawn,” Maybe if he threw himself into his work, the dull ache in his chest would go away.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.
Percy had spent the first few hours angry as hell. And now he just felt like dying. What had he done? So his father had made a baseless accusation. Maybe his father...no, Arthur....maybe Arthur just didn’t GET that the trial council had been shocked that he had been running the whole office of International Magical Cooperation by himself. And that he had done it so well that nobody had noticed any difference.
But at least he was away from the possibility of a blemish on his record. They would learn. They would all learn eventually. The Ministry didn’t lie. And neither did the Daily Prophet.
Don't want to be an American idiot.
One nation controlled by the media.
Information age of hysteria.
It's going out to idiot America.
Welcome to a new kind of tension.
All across the alien nation.
Everything isn't meant to be okay.
Television dreams of tomorrow.
We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
For that's enough to argue.