(no subject)

Mar 18, 2020 07:48

Title:  Election Day, VIII
Prompt: Price Gouging
Word Count: 100

Reverse-formulating the ink would not be difficult; Severus was the most skilled apothecaries in Britain, after all.   The paper would be more difficult, but Severus knew people who knew people so it would not be impossible.  “We could donate enough to cover the school and the town,” Septima pointed out.

“Unfortunately, it’s not our place to interfere in the elections,” Minerva said after a few Floo calls.  “Or so Kingsley informs me.”

“But if we volunteer our services - “

Minerva thinned her lips.  “The Tories regard the Order as a group of, and I quote, ‘interfering busybodies.’  So we’re stuck.”
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