Title: Interview, I
Challenge: 19 years later
Word Count: 100
Note: this a
Motherless Child story, set in 2017. Johnny, Snape and Lupin's adopted son, is now 13, and a third year student at Hogwarts.
"It's for a twentieth anniversary commemorative book," said Fidelia Guff. She placed her Ready Recording Rock on the scarred desk. "All proceeds will go to charity."
"The conflict ended nineteen years ago." Deputy Headmaster Snape tossed his head back and glared down his nose.
"It will take approximately a year to gather all the oral histories." Fidelia had attended the Salem Academy, not Hogwarts, so there was no reflexive fear at his tone. "Harry Potter has already been interviewed."
"I'm sure he had much to say."
"He called you the bravest man he'd ever known."
Snape leaned forward. "Oh, really?"