Last night, while waiting for my laptop to finish crashing. I was trying to figure out what was wrong with the printer-scanner but then my laptop started crashing then
Unfortunately for me, my laptop takes a very long time to restart. As I mentioned in my other post, I did a quick pencil sketch of Chrome while waiting. I had thought that I ought to get a actual start on some sketching out the ideas I'm going to use for
the HIBARI Fashion Accessories gag advertisements that I thought up during a conversation with recodes I think it turned out pretty well considering that I've been out of practice for almost four months.
Although it doesn't look like she's actually modeling anything because the pose didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. -fail-
Oh, well... I guess I could settle with this being just a half-decent studio portrait pic. =P She looks kinda cute anyway. (^_^;)v
Drawn on a sheet of short bond paper with a #2 Mongol pencil. I make a very crappy job of handling an eraser. OTL;;
The mod has spoken and the order of turns decided. It's official: the
fictictactoe match between
antireality and myself has started and
antireality's going to first. The table we're using is "Idioms". I can't wait for my turn actually. (^_^;) Excited much?)
This one's my table. (^_^)v