adhfkjsalhshs;;ldsfadlh I still haven't written anything for my paper in forensic psych and it's due in thirteen hours...! fkhjagasdlkgkjghkgsk
Finally finished a fic meme and it's a Guilty Gear X KHR crossover! -stands akimbo and laughs in evil triumph-
-shot- Is now a time to be celebrating??? Get back to staring blankly at a blank MS Word Doc right nao, Snap, you stupidjit!
Stolen from
antireality (who in turn, stole it from someone else)
1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
2. Write a fic of fifteen thirty words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.
I followed
antireality 's 30 word limit too because I don’t feel like following my own ‘K.I.S.S.’ rule of writing right now.
Some of the drabbles are crossovers with Guilty Gear. (Always wanted to do one. (^^)<3)
1. {Guilty Gear}
Bridget2. {KHR!} Yamamoto Takeshi
3. {KHR!} Rokudo Mukuro
4. {Guilty Gear}
Ky Kiske5. {KHR!} Gokudera Hayato
6. {KHR!} Hibari Kyouya
7. {Guilty Gear}
Dizzy8. {KHR!} Sawada Tsunayoshi
9. {KHR!} Chrome Dokuro
10. {Guilty Gear}
Sol BadguyAnd now the prompts: [all the links to drabbles lead to my (still under construction) writing comm]
01. First time:
Clash of Disciplines02. Angst:
It's Only Human to Dream03. AU:
Break the Cutie04. Threesome:
Cooperation05. Hurt/Comfort:
Take It Like a Man06. Crack:
It's For the Best07. Horror:
Project Gear08. Baby Fic:
What's In a Name?09. Dark:
Regrets10. Romance:
Beginnings of a Happy Ending11. Death Fic:
Reduce, Reuse, Revenge Now I go back to trying to figure out how I go about justifying my theory that Insiang's mother has a Medea Complex... adjhadsgjakflkskksadkfksl... OTL;;