Now, these are taken from my notes as I was watching, so they may be a little scattered.
Theater experience:
It was full, but not uncomfortably so. Lots of teenage girls and twenty-something girls (as expected). Also a few guys who I think came with their wives/girlfriends. I sat near a mom and her daughter(s) and her (their) friends. On my other side was a couple who looked to be maybe early 40's. Go fig.
The pre-show commercials were for that Bod body spray showing lots of beefcake. Wonder why they showed THAT one? Also an ad for 'The Vampire Diaries.' Know your audience is what I'm saying.
'Hunger Games' -- looked FAB on the big screen. Looking forward to that one.
'Sherlock Holmes And The Game of Shadows' -- another one that looked awesome. I was gonna see that one no matter what.
'Snow White and the Huntsman' -- this is the one with KStew. Three guesses why they showed that one. Still, lots of shots of Chris Hemsworth (aka Thor). Damn he's still fine looking...
'Man On A Ledge' -- this one is by Summit, so that's why they probably showed this one. Stars Sam Worthington. No sure if I'm gonna see it or not.
- Yes, there were cheers in the theater when Jacob rips of his shirt in the first scene.
- Alice's new short 'do is VERY cute. But, then Alice is a ball of adorable in her own right. And still full of awesome. Next party I have, I'm letting her plan it.
- OK, I did laugh when Bella said to Edward, "So, what you're not a virgin?" HAA!
- Edward flashback! To the Thirties it looks like. Red-eyed Edward eating the bad men and still feeling like 'a monster. Just like they were.' Oh, EDWARD!
- I love Emmett. At first when he and Jasper were whooping, I thought it was someone in the theater. But no, it's just the surround sound. And Jasper, what is the deal with your hair?!
- OK, I cop to Bella's wedding dress being very lovely in an understated way, especially the back. I wonder now how many RL copies there will be of it now?
- Is that Muse as the wedding band? It looks like Matthew Bellamy on the piano. IMDb is giving me nothing.
- Loved Emmett's wedding speech. So very 'Growing Up Cullen.' Jessica is still pretty bitchy. Irina is all up an bitchy too, but she's kinda got a reason. Ehhh, she'll get killed in the second movie anyway...
- Impressive dance moves by Jasper and Alice. The flip was a nice touch.
- OK, scruffy!Jacob is kinda hot. *is shot*
- 'Forever' must be the thematic element or something. I'm hearing it everywhere.
- Say good-bye forever to any human friends, Bella!! It's supernatural from here on out!!
- Ahhh, Jacob's howl of emo as the newlyweds drive away.
- Remember the last time you were in Rio, Edward? Waaaaay back in' New Moon' when you were nomming on some rats? Yeah...
- The Bed!!! Dun dunnnnnnnnn!!!!!
- OK, I wasn't the only one to laugh at the bed breaking.
- FEATHERS!!! I could add a crude comment about Edward being a pillow biter, but I won't.
- Theater full of giggles when Edward and Bella were discussing moar sex.
- Yes, chess will succeed in distracting Bella from the sex, Edward. Face it, she is warm for your form and has been for awhile now. There's no stopping that train once it's pulled out from the station.
- Man, the discussion with Jacob et al about imprinting makes me laugh considering what happens later on.
- Wow. So they're going ahead and showing Bella puking. Didn't expect that. Guess this is a preview of squickiness to come.
- Speed packing. This is a talent I need.
- Private jet? I wanna be adopted by this family.
- What is up with Carlisle's hair? He and Jasper are looking pretty flat.
- All the wolves thinking at once is kinda hard to understand.
- Seth is so adorable. I think I'm Team Seth.
- Why a CLEAR straw, people?! I know I heard groans in the audience for this one.
- That is a lot of empty blood bags. Just how many did they have in stock? And they must've used the CGI budget to show Bella all emaciated as opposed to using it on the sparkliness.
- Rosalie also thinks the name Renesmee is stupid.
(and yes, it was pretty much like that).
- Don't bite mommy, Renesmee...
- How did there get to be a syringe of venom from Edward? Did they milk him like you do snakes?
- Annnnnd, here it comes...
- IMPRINTING!!!! At least it was done somewhat tastefully, like they show Jacob falling for the GROWN Renesmee and not her baby self. And I'd like to know who plays the grown Renesmee. Again, IMDb yields nothing. Bah.
- WOLF FIGHT!!! it's like Sharks vs. Jets or something.
- Emmett's face when he hears of the imprinting is PRICELESS!!
- How did Bella lose all of her baby fat so fast? I mean, she was pretty round. Is that an effect of the venom? Can I have a little to trim my thighs a little?
- Blue dress is pretty nice. More practical and not slinky like in the book. Though the cleaning up scene is pretty weird. Like they're dressing a corpse for a funeral.
- Totes called it ending with her opening her eyes and them being all red. Totally.
- Annnnnd Volturi! End scene!
Stay tuned for the next installment of 'As The Vampire Turns' where we see Bella out vampire everyone and lots more sex! Same Vamp time, same Vamp channel!
Peace out. Now to nap and then watch some MST to cleanse my brain.