Nov 10, 2010 11:17

OK, I’m starting to get a little pissed off here.

For those of you who are new here, I work at a medical firm in the Patient Financial Services department doing data entry. Basically I take the charge sheets (that the doctor writes the diagnosis, the level of the office visit and whatever in office procedures the patient might have had for that particular visit). I also post the co pays for that day onto the office visit for that particular patient. Are you with me so far?

OK then. Most of the time, it goes pretty smoothly. It’s a little mundane at times, but it’s fairly stress free (as opposed to posting insurance payments. I HATED doing that). There are times, however, where things don’t go as smoothly as they’re supposed to. Certain offices (because I post for more than one specialty) tend to make things harder for me than they need to be.

Like for instance, the ENT office I post for has a tendency to not include the charge slips along with the payments sheets with the payments for those charges on them. So I have nothing to post the co pays to, like an office visit. I look and see that that particular patient has seen the doctor, yet I don’t receive the charge slip for the office visit for said doctor on that particular day. However, I do get a payment sheet with the co pay that they paid for that office visit. So, to simplify, I get a payment to post, with nothing to post it to.
This means that I have to put a balance forward onto that person’s account for that particular doctor for that particular day so I can have SOMETHING to attach the co payment that they paid to, since I don’t get the charge to post. It’s important that I do this, so that the log sheet I post from, can match with the amount of money that was collected that day.

The really frustrating thing, aside from this being time consuming, is that this happens FREQUENTLY with this particular office. It’s like they take the payments, yet forget to send me the charge slips so that I can post the payments to them. It drives. Me. Crazy. There have been times, when I posted a payment log which were nothing but balance forwards that I had to do. Is it really that hard to ensure that ALL the charges get sent?! I don’t think so!!!

Then there are other times where the person who fills out the payment log sheet doesn’t put the correct patient number in or they put the name of the person who paid (like say an underage patient’s guardian or parent) instead of the actual person who was seen, which means I have to try and search for the right name and patient number so I can post the payment to the right account.


Sorry for the ranting and all. I just had to vent somehow and short of taking an Uzi to people, this seemed the best way to do it…

rant, job stuff

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