Oct 10, 2010 21:48
Sorry I haven't been posted much lately. I've been too distracted by the shiny.
Anyway, the countdown to vacation has officially begun. Even though I technically don't have enough PTO to cover the entire time we're gone, I'm still not changing the length. I'm bringing my laptop with me, so I'll try and post updates when I get the chance, as well as pictures and video. I'm bringing along my NECA figures of Jasper and Alice as sort of travel mascots. Basically I'll be taking pictures of them in various locations... if I can manage it. This will be my first attempt in doing so, so it'll be kinda experimental.
I've been watching a lot of MST3K this weekend, either via DVD's or live stream. I like the live stream, because I get to see episodes I don't have access to otherwise. Sweeeet.
Mom and I went to see Secretariat this weekend. I definitely recommend it. It's very good. Even though you kinda know what happens, you still feel on edge about how it ends. It makes sense in context.
Aaaaaand, I can't think of anything else to write about, so I'll be closing things out. Ciao!
life stuff,