I totally need to get me a new chair at work. Sitting all days for hours on end really starts to get to me. Unfortunately, due to budgetary concerns, in order to get a new chair, I'd need a doctor's note saying I need one. Urgh...
Anyway, this weekend was pretty full. Saturday I finished up my shopping, which took longer than I expected. I had to meet mom then so we could go to the Flea Market and get a few other gifts for various family members. I also got me a bamboo plant for my work area. It looks really nice.
I started on some of my cards, but I wasn't able to finish them, I hope I can real soon so I can get them out as soon as I can, hopefully so you can get them before Christmas. Speaking of which, I got your card today,
elvenmoon! It's very cute!
Sunday we spent getting groceries, which took quite a while actually, since we went to church beforehand. Then the majority of the day was spend wrapping gifts and printing off gift tags and doing laundry et al. I also watched OotP and played some of my new games I got (Carnival Games for the Wii and Master of Illusion for the DS. Both tons of fun).
I bought volume 15 of FMA as well. It's mostly a flashback volumes as Hawkeye regales what happened during the Ishbalian War to Ed. And Ed's facial expressions are still love...
And today is a day for some hot tea. I think I shall go and fix some.
Word of the Day: pluvial
Pronunciation: /PLOO-vee-ul/
adj : of or pertaining to rain; rainy