Nov 30, 2007 19:13
Well, I thought I was gonna have to work tomorrow for a few hours (>_<), but it looks like I might not have to! Wheee! Working on Saturdays suck.
We just about got everything posted save for a few things, but there will be a few people coming in tomorrow, so I won't really be needed. Which is a good thing because I don't like giving up my Saturday sleep.
Sunday I have to go into church early since I'm being trained for the "computer check in system" for the little tykes. Whatev. Seems pretty easy.
Tomorrow we also have a Body Shop party to attend. I always like those. But this means I have to shave my legs though since we do foot stuff and I have to shove my pants legs up in order to soak my feet. I also have to expose my chunky ankles. Urgh.
A friend of mine wanted me to go jogging with her tomorrow... at six in the morning! I'm like, "Nuh-uh! Waaaaay to early for me. Besides, I'd die from a collapsed lung in the process."
I got my Phantom Hourglass feather stylus in the mail yesterday. I'm keeping it in the box until I use it so it doesn't break.
I scanned some images from the Sith vs. Jedi book for possible iconage later. Actually, the scans I got were pretty decent! Now I just have to find out where I put all my brushes...
I'll try to upload the pics from my trip onto my ScrapBook if I don't get lazy...
I finally got my remaining copies of Emma. So I'm all caught up until vol six comes out.
Word of the Day: abnegate
Pronunciation: /AB-nih-gayt/
v : give up, renounce, deny yourself, or surrender or relinquish something
life stuff,
star wars,
phantom hourglass,
job stuff