I was somewhat of a busy little bee this weekend.
I did decide to go to the movie night Friday. And I'm glad I did. I had fun. I did tell mom of my little dilemma, but she said if she wanted to do something without me, she would. Makes sense since I do a lot of stuff without her only by myself.
I also made a few icons over the weekend. I felt I needed some 'Star Wars' icons since I already have a 'Star Trek' one. I need to cover all of my fandoms, don't I? They aren't from the movies, but rather the novels (or Expanded Universe as it's called).
Meet Jaina Solo. Daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo. Jedi Knight. Pilot. All around good egg. The first image is fron the Essential Character Guide. I was going to scan the image myself since I have that book, but I was lucky enough to have found one online which saved me the trouble. The background wasn't originally purple. I did that myself. Trying to erase around her hair nearly killed me. I made the background purple because that's the color of her lightsaber. I added a light texture from
colorfilter and text and voila! I originally had a border, but I had to adjust the light filter on the original and forgot to put it back on. I may do so eventually.
The second image is from a Japanese cover of one of the New Jedi Order novel series. I didn't do anything to the background. All I did was add a couple of textures and a border. I liked how it came out.
This is Jacen Solo, Jaina's twin brother. Jedi. Philosopher. Nature lover. Still damn good in a fight, though. Again, the first image is from the Essential Guide to Characters which I also found online as opposed to scanning. I had to erase the background again, but I didn't have as many hair issues. The green background is because his lightsaber is, what else, green. Add another light texture from
colorfilter and text and a border and... there ya have it.
The second one is my favorite (which is why I'm using it). This is from another of the Japanese covers. I did the same thing to this one as I did the second Jaina one, although with a slightly different border. Also, a note to the artist the Japanese publisher commisioned for their covers: Good job, I must say.
A question for you icon makers out there: How do you get a picture where you already merged the layers and... unmerge them? Is it possible? There are some I'd like to save as .psd so I can change some things, but I don't know how to do it. Also, how you you get the half text I've seen on some icons? Thank you.
I've been thinking of making my icon journal into a community so I won't have to sign in in order to post stuff. I only have two entries on it, so maybe I can do it. A lot less hassle.
My computer speakers have been acting funky again. They do that from time to time. So no downloading any songs until they get their act together.
I should be getting my TriMax 6 soon. I've been told we learn a few more things about everyone. *glee*
Quote of the day: "It is surely better to pardon too much than to condemn too much." -- George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)