(no subject)

Apr 18, 2005 10:23

AAAAAAGH! I kept getting up and hitting "Snooze" on my alarm clock, and consequently am missing CS 112! *strangles self*

Stupid CS 112 paper. It's making me feel even worse about not having found an internship yet. Basically, we're supposed to find a bunch of jobs CS graduates could do, write them up, and categorize them. Blah... made me cry last night because I was so tired and frustrated. :-( I'm soooooo sick of this.

*sad* I miss my French family. I wish I hadn't managed to lose all the contact info. I feel so incredibly horrible about that. Two years... it doesn't seem like it's been that long. They were SO sweet to me. I keep looking at the pictures and smacking myself for being so disorganized and losing the addresses. I hope they're doing ok. If there was any way to get back in touch with them, I'd jump at the chance. My French is kind of rusty, but knowing Marine, she'd be able to translate anything I couldn't think of off the top of my head anyway. Plus Louise and Michel kept saying something to the effect of how I was good at describing things I didn't have the vocabulary for. And Celine... LOL, hanging out at McDonald's with her and her friends was great. I hope she's doing well at her school. :-) It really was like having another family. I cried when I left, and cried halfway to Paris. I MISS THEM SO MUCH. I'd do anything to be able to talk with them again.

My statcounter says that the most recent visitor to my journal was someone from Marseille, or somewhere around there. :-) LOL, wouldn't it be cool if that person was one of them? I know, it's all speculation, but Vitrolles *IS* nearby. I have enabled anonymous comments, in case it is them by some wild chance. Si vous étes la famille Motton de Vîtrolles, je voudrais beaucoup entrer en contact avec vous encore... vous me manquez tres beaucoup! :-( (Hey, I can hope, right?)

I am going to start trying to find them again. Maybe there's an online phone book for their area... if I can find them in it, I could buy an international phone card and give them a call. (Anyone know a good place to start?) Would probably have to try to call at a time when Marine would be home since my French is so rusty. I hope they won't be mad at me, although I could understand if they were. :-/ In the meantime, at the very least I can get some practice by watching DVDs with the French soundtracks turned on.

EDIT 2:34 PM
OMG. I think I just found one of Marine's friends. I tried searching for each member of the Motton family on Altavista next, and the only name it matched was "Marine Motton". It was a labeled group picture in someone's blog, all in French, and there were a couple of mentions of Marseille. And the girls in the picture evidently take English, and the ages are right! The picture was small, but I *think* it was her. Everything I was able to find out seems to match up. *psyched!!!* Gotta figure out what to say to this friend of hers; my French is soooo rusty! I'll keep you all updated!
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