Jan 04, 2005 15:57
I like Kate have decied to end the livejournal. I can no longer be part of the world of LJ's. It is seriouly taking over my life. I am turning into a monster. Ever sinse the LJ can along that is all I ever do. Every SINGLE TIME i passs by the computer it drags me in with its LJ force:/!!!!
But also like Kate I will be investing in a dotphoto cause thats all we really care about. I am not good at the emo post they say poems and orignal thinkings so the LJ was not ment for me! Dont u worry i will probably someday come back to the torture device but for now I have to leave it!
It is sad but it is an action I must take to save myself!
I love all my stalkers.....BYE!!!!